How to treat chronic tonsillitis

How to treat chronic tonsillitis

Chronic tonsillitis - a disease, unfortunately, is often and quite unpleasant. The protective functions of the tonsils are significantly reduced, and a chronic inflammatory process is present in the lymphoid tissue itself.

What is fraught with a permanent focus of infection in the body? The disease is characterized by regular exacerbations, especially when overcooling, in which pain and sore throat are noted, the temperature may be raised by violating the general condition. In addition, chronic tonsillitis is dangerous with its complications for the cardiovascular and urinary system, can cause thyroid bias, disruption of metabolism. Therefore, it is impossible to leave a birth without attention.

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis: medical approach

Traditional medicine offers 2 directions in the treatment of this disease - conservative and operational.

Conservative treatment

Comprehensive treatment with drugs includes: elimination of pain syndrome, identifying the cause of the ailment - the causative agent of infection and the fight against it, strengthening the body's immune system. The main reasons for the emergence of an infectious focus in lymphoid fabric are:

  • Diseases of the oral cavity (for example, caries), nasal cavities, its sinuses.
  • STEKOKOK (Group a).
  • Staphilococcus (some of its views).
  • Enterococcus.
  • Viruses (less often).

Stresses, overwork, heredity are also played not the latter role. So, determined with the causative agent, treatment begins. If the nature of inflammation is bacterial - antibacterial drugs are prescribed, the course of which must be taken completely. Among the preparations of a wide spectrum, often used in the treatment of this ailment, allocate:

  • Azithromycin and erythromycin.
  • Amoxiclav and Flemoclav.
  • Cephix and Cefodox.

Before starting therapy, it is desirable to hand over the analysis of the sensitivity to the medicine so that the treatment is not past.

The next component of therapy is local processing of affected almonds. Stripping is well coped with this task. Prepare an antiseptic solution, for example, with furacilin, chlorhexidine or chlorophyllipt and irrigate the throat. To maintain immunity, you can use the preparations such as bronchomunal, I.R.-19.

Operational intervention

This therapy is appointed in cases where the conservative treatment methods do not bring results, there is a decompensated form of the disease. Along with the classic surgical excision of the affected almonds, other methods are used: laser surgery (removal of tissues with a laser), as well as freezing by almonds with liquid nitrogen (cryodestruction). The latter method is used for small lesions.
The surgical method of eliminating the disease has a number of contraindications, among which

  • Tuberculosis.
  • Diabetes.
  • Hemophilia.
  • Renal failure.
  • The period of pregnancy and several months before its onset, lactation, menstruation ,.

The removal of almonds is an extreme measure, since the complete absence of lymphoid tissue for the body promises new problems.

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis: folk remedies

The main focus of therapy is to deliverance almonds from the pus and inflammatory exudate. Therefore, the emphasis is on rinsing.

  • Mix the juice of shit, aloe and water and wechit the throat with this composition.
  • The decoction of healing herbs is also well suited for irrigation of the pharynx. Use chamomile flowers, calendula, pine buds, oak bark, burdock root, eucalyptus leaves.
  • 10 carnation flowers fill 0.5 liters boiling water and insist 3 hours. The composition can be used both for rinsing and for receiving inside (1/3 glasses three times a day).
  • In a glass of warm water, add the soda, salt (1/3 tsp) and a few drops of iodine. The solution should be not too concentrated. We have the composition of not only the throat, but also the nasopharynk.
  • Prepare a weak mortar of manganese and add a few drops of iodine into it. The resulting composition is irrigated the throat.

In addition to rinsing, steam inhalations with herbs champs have proven well established (plants can also be used as when preparing composition for rinsing). This procedure cannot be carried out if there is an elevated temperature.

To successfully get rid of the disease, only medical procedures are not enough. The approach must be complex and include nutrition correction, general health intake, oral hygiene and timely treatment of teeth.

Comments leave a comment
Helena 03/17/22020 at 15:15

Hello everyone! The second day hurts quite very throat .. I don't want to go to the clinic, since there are plenty of sick. Now I rinse only. What else can you be treated?

To answer
Eva A. 24/03/2020 at 11:10

Elena, in addition to rinsing, you can still pills for resorption anti-angine formula Add, they didn't sleep well to get rid of sore throat. And so rinse more often if the sprays carry normally, then add them. And if there is no pain to pass, then it is better to do with the doctor.

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