Than to treat Farriangit

Than to treat Farriangit

Faringitis is inflammation of the rear wall of the pharynx. It occurs due to the penetration of cold or unclean air when inhalation and in addition on the effects of chemical stimuli - tobacco and alcohol. A significant role in the development of the disease is viruses - influenza, adenoviruses, as well as microbes - staphylococci, pneumococci, streptococci. It happens that inflammation in the presence of rhinitis or sinusitis moves from the apparent sinuses to the larynx.

Pharyngitis Sometimes it passes as a separate disease, increasing as a result of cooling. But may accompany other diseases. Signs of pharyngitis:

  • unnatural drying and overshadow;
  • unpleasant sensitivity in swallowing;
  • an increase in temperature up to 38 °;
  • dry nasty cough;
  • increased cervical lymph nodes.

The clinic of chronic pharyngitis is not very pronounced. It is divided into: catarrhal, atrophic, hypertrophic.

To establish an accurate diagnosis, it is better to sign up for a doctor who will produce the larynx pharyingoscopy and the palpation of lymph nodes, analyzing the course of the disease. To identify the causative agent of purulent pharyngitis, you will have to take a smear on the microflora. In chronic pharyngitis, visiting the therapist is necessary to identify the source of the disease and determine the method of treatment

Treatment It implies a decrease in clinical manifestations and getting rid of the cause that feeds the process of inflammation. Anti-inflammatory, anti-eseptic, antibacterial drugs for localization of pain symptoms are accepted. Tools helping the moisturizing of the inflamed mucous membrane. Aerosols "Kameton", "Faringosept", "Inhalipt" and other lollipops and tablets are desirable to use at the initial stage. The use of antibacterial drugs with severe pharyngitis depends on the causative agent. With the allergic nature of the disease, antihistamine drugs are recommended. Acute pharyngitis requires immunomodulators, stimulating the forces of the body. Chronic pathologies need to improve damaged foci, and with hypertrophic disorders, cavity produce.

  Folk Methods The treatment of pharyngitis is quite effective. Beekeeping products - propolis, honey - can not only cure the disease, but also strengthen the whole organism. It helps the local lubrication of the throat with drugs with the content of propolis and inhalation on honey. Hypertrophic variety of disease requires constant rinsing folk remedies From the bark of Kalina, Willow or oak and influence of birch leaves. To calm the excited mucous membrane, use fresh potatoes juice. Folk medicine recommends applying infancy and chamomile for rinsing. Healing inhalations are made of soda, eucalyptus, essential oils, calendula and propolis. Such manipulations soften the mucous membrane and stop drying. It is necessary to drink hot tea from the leaves of the Hypericum, nettle, raspberries and mint. Quickly remove the symptoms will help the decoction of leaves or blueberry berries. It must be used throughout the day and rinse the throat.

Sick acute form of viral pharyngitis Makes a threat to others. The degree of contagious directly depends on the time of infection. The first few days the risk of getting sick, communicating with such a person, is very large. After 4-5 days, the sicks become safe, even if residual phenomena are present. Infectious acute pharyngitis infrequently passes isolated from other organs. The inflammatory process captures neighboring anatomical formations; Nose, larynx, trachea.

Remember, pharyngitis is inclined to complications with a decrease in protective barriers to the body, stressful pathologies, permanent overcooling, large physical stresses, as well as other infectious pathologies. If independent treatment has not led to success during the week, it is necessary to seek help to a doctor.

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Alla 14/05/2020 at 16:43

Hello everyone! Yesterday began to hurt the throat, and quite strongly. Last year there was a pharyngitis, the repetition did not want as if, so help the tips, what to start treating the throat?

Diana Elin. 05.15.2020 at 10:27

Alla, first of all start rinse the throat, make a compress warming. Another pastilles from Sage Natur Produkt help me good for pain in the throat and inflammation. If the complex will be treated, the effect will be. Get well!


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