How to treat Larygit

How to treat Larygit

At the time of the disease, a person occurs various inflammation in the body. With diseases such as ORVI, Poklush, Corust and many others may occur inflammation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe larynx - this disease is called laryngitis.
The reasons for inflammation of this kind are quite a lot, for example, smoking, frostbite, environment, breakdowns of ligaments and even drinking alcohol. It's quite simple to get laryngitis, first, it manifests itself in an acute form, then can go into chronic. Treat laryngitis is not easy, it will take about two weeks. If the treatment passes longer than usual, then the disease has progressed in a chronic form.

Causes of Larygita

There are many diseases that can easily provoke inflammation of the larynx, so in the presence of the following diseases, it is necessary to immediately contact the doctor to check the larynx:

  • acute respiratory disease;
  • various diseases of the respiratory system;
  • diseases of the mucous membrane and lymph nodes;
  • allergic response to anything;
  • strong overvoltage of the work of the larynx;
  • overheat;
  • contaminated air.

Symptoms of Larygita

  • With the appearance of inflammation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe larynx, you will literally feel the deterioration of well-being, weakness, as well as sudden mood changes.
  • Also in the patient notice a sharp increase in temperature not more than up to 38 degrees.
  • Throat pain, cough, wheezing, votes loss and difficulty breathing also testify to the presence of Larygitis.
  • When surrendering blood tests, there will be a noticeable excess of ESP and leukocytes.
  • It is worth noting that the above symptoms can manifest themselves in more acute form, so urgent appeal to specialists is recommended.
  • Larygite can also be developed during the immunodeficiency period associated with such diseases as syphilis, cough, tuberculosis and many others.

How to cure laryngitis in adults

For the treatment of the disease of the larynx, it is necessary to contact the therapist. Depending on the development of inflammation, the doctor makes a decision how to treat the patient in the hospital or at home. In order to weaken the period of inflammation, it is recommended to follow the preparatory mode:

  • reduce load on the larynx;
  • cancel the adoption of soft drinks;
  • reduce the consumption of nicotine, and better to refuse at all;
  • eat exclusively moderately warm food;
  • do not overcohe
  • establish bedding, observe the complete calm;
  • carry out warming organism procedures.

Treatment of chronic form of laryngitis

In the presence of a chronic form of the disease, a number of drug procedures are recommended. Chronic laryngitis is divided into several types, each has its own special treatment.

  • Catarial form. Treatment with special anti-inflammatory drugs is applied.
  • Atrophic form. Special medicines are prescribed, which have a moisturizing effect on the mucous throat. Inhalation procedures are also needed, weakening throat pain and breathing.
  • Hypertrophic form. This form of the disease is removed using some steroid medicines and the appointment of physiotherapy.
  • Diffuse form. This period of laryngitis is considered the most dangerous for the human body. Over the past half of the year, a specialist should observe the health of the patient. If the doctor does not notice the changes, as a rule, surgical intervention is appointed.

Treatment of acute form of laryngitis

The reason for the development of the acute form of Larygitis is ORVI. In order to overcome the disease, it is necessary to preserve the bedding for ten days and adopt prescribed medic drugs. In addition, alcohol products, tobacco products, acute food, soft and hot drinks should be excluded from the diet.

How to cure laryngitis at home

The disease of the larynx can be treated by folk methods, while do not forget that the interventions of doctors will not be avoided. Larygitis is just a disease that requires medication treatment.

Treatment with inhalations and rinsing

Inhalation can be carried out literally by shirts:

  • Peach, apricot and other essential oils.
  • A mixture of salt and iodine diluted with water.

Rinsing can be carried out by the following means:

  • Decoration from sage and birch.
  • Beet juice. Squeeze juice from one beet, add one tablespoon of food vinegar.
  • Decoration from Luke's husk. In 200 ml of boiled water, add a few tablespoons of onion husks and one tablespoon of honey.

Treatment with products

  • A mixture of milk and carrots. Boil one carrot in 0.5 ml of milk, the resulting decoction must consume at least three times a day.
  • A mixture of milk and garlic. Heat 400 ml of milk, then crushed some amount of garlic, add to milk and bring to a boil. The resulting decoction boil, after which a drink for half an hour.
  • Onions and raisins. Put 0.5 ml of water for 15 minutes, add 50 grams of raisins, cool down and add some onion juice. Drink need to drink at least 4 times a day.
  • Lemon juice and honey. Prepare 250 ml of lemon juice, mix with a glass of honey and consume one teaspoon every 10 minutes.


How to cure laryngitis during pregnancy

The presence of a viral disease in the body during pregnancy is a greater danger, both for a woman and for the child himself. In this situation, without a qualified specialist can not do. In addition, it is strictly prohibited to carry out independent treatment at home.

If you notice signs of laryngitis, then you need to urgently visit the doctor's office. Only he will be able to assign medical preparations safe to the fetus.

Treatment of laryngitis in children

Over time, laryngitis in children proceeds asymptomatic. Only after a short period of time, the child appears a cough, hoarse and body temperature can pass for 38 degrees. As soon as you noticed that your child has no mood, apathy appears and it is increasingly clone to sleep, it's time to turn to the doctor.
If during the treatment of the disease, then the consequences can be the most terrible, the child can begin to fall. As a rule, this happens when he sleeps, so be attentive as possible so that the disease is not aggravated.

Comments leave a comment
Hope 03/05/2016 at 22:32

I have chronic laryngitis, every time this terrible throat pain is impossible already, you need to raise immunity, and how to do it with such a weather!?

To answer
Rose. 06/03/2016 at 1:10

And you have a doctor who has not prescribed any treatment? I am chronicle itself, but I have chronic tonsillitis, at the very first permissions in my throat or hints in tingling, I start pixwing bioparox, it quickly copes with the foci of infection and does not give illness to exacerbate, i.e. With timely symptomatic treatment of the disease, it is possible to avoid. Previously, I bought lollipops for the throat, now I will not remember the name, but they do not cope as bioparox. With laryngitis is also shown.

To answer
Alina 03/12/2017 at 21:48.

interesting. For example, with a bough in my throat, I usually absorb the lizobakt according to the 2 tablet scheme 3-4 times a day, a week week. He treats the throat of infections and strengthens local immunity.

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