Mastitis is inflammation of the breast, in which the pathogen is the pathogenic bacteria. Most often nursing nursing moms are subject to death. Also, the risk area includes women suffering from chronic infectious diseases. In this article we will give advice, how to recognize the disease, and tell about the methods of treatment of mastitis. Treatment timely, the treatment and proper diagnostics will save you from unpleasant sensations and will be the key to speedy recovery.
Causes of disease
The main cause of the disease is a bacterial infection in the body, the causative agent of which is Golden Staphylococcus. Microtrauma nipple - the source of infection in the body in nursing moms. Chronic diseases that have not been identified earlier and have not been treated, are also a source of infection. Not observing the rules of personal hygiene when feeding the child with breasts and lactostasis (juvenile milk) provokes an inflammatory process in the chest. The cause of mastitis not related to breastfeeding is the hormonal system and injury to the chest glands.
The disease is developing very quickly, so at the first manifestations of symptoms requires an immediate appeal to the doctor. Signs of the beginning and development of the disease are:
- Increase temperatures up to 38-39 degrees;
- Machine pain in lactic glands;
- Weakness, chills, headache;
- Increase breast in size;
- Redness of the skin.
When diagnosing mastitis, it should be focused on symptoms. Breast palpation is carried out, explore the clinical analysis of blood, whose indicators, as a rule, indicate the inflammatory process in the body. In bacteriological examination, the sensitivity of the infectious pathogen to various types of antibiotics is detected.
Treatment of disease
The treatment of mastitis depends on the stage of the disease and the form, in which it flows. The faster you begin the treatment and prevention of the disease, the more effective there will be a result. The treatment diagram includes the reception of drugs that relieve inflammation and overwhelming bacteria, as well as painkillers. If you have microcracks, it is recommended to make compresses. After removing strong inflammation, make a light breast massage. Do not deal with self-medication, contact the doctors.
Treatment with folk remedies
Mastitis refers to those diseases that can be defeated with the help of traditional medicine. People have long been treated with diseases by recipes that the people collected generations.
Here are some recipes that will help you in the fight against illness:
- This means includes honey, vegetable oil and aloe juice. All take in equal proportions, mix, put for a week in a dark place. Before applying this infusion, it is necessary to mix it, and then apply to the linen or gauze cloth and impose on the sore breast.
- The superimposition of the compression from the cabbage leaves will take pain and inflammation.
- Rubbing vegetable oils will soften gentle skin and prevent the appearance of cracks on the chest.
- Sea buckthorn oil, vodka compress and baked bulbs are painful and help to cope with chest seals.
Mastitis is not a simple disease, but do not despair. The disease is easily treated at the initial stage of both traditional medicine and folk remedies. Immediate treatment of the disease and its prevention will lead to a speedy recovery. Compliance with the norms of hygiene will save from the unpleasant sensations and the further development of the disease. Remember that the disease is easier to warn than then to deal with it.
The doctor prescribed her herbal fees, cream Mastofit 2 times a day and Tablets Maustofit (course 2-3 months, depending on the speed of treatment). A good result gave the complex.