Conjunctivitis - how to treat

Conjunctivitis - how to treat

Eyes - soul mirror. But what to do when a mirror reflection of your world begins to hurt and fog? The answer to this question you will find in our article!

About conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye - conjunction. With progressive diseases, the vessels inside the eyes are expanding and filled with blood, which causes the redness and inflammation of the cornea.

There are several types of inflammation:

  • Allergic conjunctivitis - occurs when an allergen is exposed to the mucous membrane of the eye (animal wool, flowering of certain plants, drugs, etc.).
  • Bacterial conjunctivitis - the culprit of the ailment is the hit bacteria that have blocked in conjunctiva. Transmitted with handshake with an infected person. At the beginning of the disease, one eye is inflamed, and after 1-2 days the infection covers both eyes. Purulent discharge in this case have yellow.
  • Viral conjunctivitis - inflammatory causative agent is adenoviral infection. The general features of the disease joins high temperature, pain and throat. The disease quickly applies to air-droplet, in connection with this patient, it is necessary to isolate, in order to avoid mass infection.

The main features of the resulting disease:

  • Strong itching eyes and redness.
  • Minor eyelid edema, pain when blinking.
  • The appearance of blessed or purulent discharges leading to the sticking of the age.
  • Abundant selection of tears.

2) conjunctivitis - causes of the disease

The initial stage of the disease conjunctiva is the spread of pathogenic bacteria. The pathogens of infection are divided into several groups - staphylococcal Pathological bacteria, viral herpes and aspirgilee mushroom.

  • An injury to the overall disease is injured and the influence of chemicals, the weakening of general immunity, the injection of infection.
  • Conjunctivitis can be caused by chronic diseases - melting invasion, inflammation of the sinuses of the nose, the pathology of the intestinal tract, the disease of the connective tissue.
  • The disease also overtakes people who often work at the computer. The visual load occurs and the fast fatigue of the eyeball, as a result of which conjunctivitis appears.
  • Viral diseases are quite often precursors of viral conjunctivitis.

Conjunctivitis - Treatment in children

Our kids are infected with conjunctivitis 10 times more than adults, because the infection takes the young trails everywhere - in the sandbox, on the playground, as well as when playing pets. Infection occurs when a child will lose dirty handles eye area. A newborn child has an infection caused by infectious diseases of the mother. Basically, children are sick with bacterial conjunctivitis. Pediatricians are recommended to treat eyes by such methods:

  • First of all, it is necessary to remove purulent allocations by an antiseptic agent, for example - furacelin. Dissolve one tablet in a glass of warm water and straighten through the gauze, to avoid microparticles of pills in the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye. Wipe the disc on the direction from the temporal side to the nasal area. Remember that for each eye there must be a separate cotton swab.
  • Use antibiotics appointed by the doctor when treating conjunctivitis. The antibacterial properties of drugs completely sanitate the eye slit, eliminating the affected area from pathogenic bacteria, thereby facilitating the flow of the disease. For infants, a 10% albucid solution is prescribed 2 times a day on one drop, for children over older - levomycitin and eubital, 3 times a day 1 drops.
  • Also, pediatricians prescribe a little patient to lay a tetracycline ointment at night under the lower eyelid.
  • If the child has signs of allergic conjunctivitis - use antiallergic Preparations inside and everywhere, and also eliminate the source of allergies.

Conjunctivitis - Treatment of Adults

The main treatment is based on the liquidation of the source of inflammation and the use of drugs that exclude signs of the disease. To eliminate inflammation, drugs are used, which are carried out processing and injection of the patient's eye:

  • Treat the affected calendula, camomile or green tea.
  • In the bacterial infection, eye drops are used - leftomycetin 1 drop in each eye, 4 times a day and erythromycin or tetracycline ointment overnight.
  • With a pronounced allergic conjunctivitis, accept antihistamines - claritine, zirtek or suprastin. To stop tears, use the drug cortisone, one drop in both eyes.

With timely, the proper treatment of conjunctivitis, the disease quickly retreats without causing difficulties. If the symptoms of the disease continue for 4 days or more, immediately refer to the doctor, with the exception of possible complications! Be healthy!

Comments leave a comment
Diana 20/06/2018 at 12:47.

Most likely, the conjunctivitis begins, the eyes are red and itch. Colleagues all advise different drugs, I do not know what to choose. Who treats this bjaku?

To answer
Violetta Kravchenko 06/23/2018 at 17:52

Diana, Personally, I conjunctivitis recently treated Floxal drops, a course of treatment for 7 days, everything went a little earlier, but the treatment earlier cannot be stopped so that there was no relapse.

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