How to treat allergic rhinitis

How to treat allergic rhinitis

V last thing time w. most population country distributed allergic reaction. Allergic rhinitisit reaction organism on the stimulus. V quality external stimuli maybe be pollen plants, fungi and molddust, flavors, household objects, a internalproducts, honeymedicines. Allergic rhinitis need to necessarily treat all sorts means, after all tolerate it condition constitution nose obuch and sneezing simply impossible. In addition to of this, if not treat it disease, then can arise bleeding v nose, complications v video gaymorita and even bronchial asthmy.

1) How to treat allergic rhinitis - about second nutrition

Allergic reaction maybe arise fromper nutrition. Thus way, recommended not use products, provoking cross reaction. So, in time blossoms birch, poplar. not recommended there is pears, cherry, potato, honey, a when flowers ambrosia, then it is forbidden accept v food mayonnaise, watermelons.

2) How to treat allergic rhinitis - b laptop conditions

Person v most cases located v room, that's why important track per air v nem.. Respiratory system allergy very sensitive to large quantity kovrov, “dust collectorsv video open shelves books, toys and statuette, curtain, which collect bacteria and toxic elements. When becoming period blossoms, then need to often take away v room, include humidifier or cleaner air, which the it has antiallergenic filters.

If there is reaction on the wool homemade pittsev, then with nimi need to say good. Purchase catsphinxes situation not changes, because how instead of wool w. them there is allergic saliva.

Many shard fish, but and it not exit, because how feed for fish is an strong allergen.

3) How to treat allergic rhinitis - about gradation stimulus

Thus way, cope with with disease easier then, when cause allergies known. After all for her definition need to hand over skin sample w. specialist or tests on the detection allergens. If cause known, then recommended on maximum exclude contact with stimulus. If it foodie allergen, then fully refuse from his, a if it pollen plants, then it is better total to leave their this climatic zones in time blossoms.

4) How to treat allergic rhinitis - n laspathrase

Cope with with allergic rhinitis can method mechanical cleaning blood from stimuli. But this way many people contraindicated and possessed short-term action. V heavy situations this method enough effective.

5) How to treat allergic rhinitis - n rtoV-Sonic treatment

Allergic rhinitis requires complex an approach. V basic it antihistamine medicines 2gO generationit zetrin, zoda, and 3gOerius, zirtek. Apply their need to on the length minimum two weeks. But need to remember, what v sometimes maybe develop cardiotoxic the effect, which the adversely act on the heart, a also influences on the capabilities think. Self safe consider facilities last generation, but they very expensive cost.
If previous preparations not effective, then follow go to « local means».

  • If degree diseases average, then fit sprays, for example, kromegexal or kromosol.. At exacerbation need to sprinkle v nose 3 times v day. Result can see across 7 days, a well total treatment make up minimum 24 monthAmong new products okay myself conducted spray Nazawal. He provides film on the mucous sheath, thanks to it allergen not contact sO mucous. This a drug effective for prevention.
  • If degree allergic rinita heavy, then apply need to corticosteroidsit sprays nOTE, nazonex., beneny. Safety their applications proved numerous research.
    It is forbidden long apply vasoconducting drops (naphtycin), which make easily breath. They can develop medicamental rhinitis.

6) How to treat allergic rhinitis - a llergen therapy

Allergenspecific therapy. can conduct allergist.. Principle of this method consists v injection administered allergic dose for development sustainability to nIMThanks to it can put away symptoms rinita. How before to begin therapy., thread more chance get rid of from problems. This method allowed cope with with rhinitis many patients.

How to treat allergic rhinitis - folk

National the medicine not it has on the today's day help v fight with that disease. So self treatment maybe only aggravate situation, a also achieve secondary infections, a also tighten drug treatment.

Most. effective fashion is an saline solution, which washed nose. For cooking such solo need cup hot water and 1/3 tea. spoon. But similar washing must  enter v comprehensive treatment.

Allergic rhinitis enough difficult give in place treatment, that's why his must assign only doctor.
If not will adequate treatment, then disease maybe progress, a from of this follow gain severity symptoms.

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