Flowering allergies how to treat

Flowering allergies how to treat

Behind the window buffet bright colors, dope the floral flavors, chirping the birds and warms the gentle sun. All living rejoices of the spring-summer period. But there are those who think about this beautiful pore, those who accompanse allergies to flowering. How to treat and facilitate the condition when Polynomia - let's talk on.

If you come across seasonal allergies not the first year, then you probably know the approximate terms of her attack. Three weeks before the start of active manifestation of the disease, you should refer to the doctor who will prescribe antihistamines or local action drugs. The latter are applied directly in the field of contact with an allergen, that is, they are sprayed into the nose, mouth or eyes. The effect of these drugs occurs 2 weeks after the start of use, so the doctor is desirable to visit in advance. But to put allergies to the samonech and led to the symptoms themselves, in no case can it be! Refusal of treatment may result in bronchial asthma, quinque and other consequences.


Recently, the trendy became vaccinated from allergies to flowering. Initially, the test is taken and the allergen is found out, which provokes an attack. To do this, pollen of various plants is introduced under the skin to a depth of 1 mm. If the body responds to any kind of pollen painting and skin swelling, allergen is found. Then, according to a special developed doctor, the scheme is introduced in the form of injection of the patient, starting with small doses and gradually increasing them. The course of treatment usually lasts half a year, injections make 2 times a week.


Many believe that allergies to flowering - a sign of weak immunity. In fact, this is a sign of a strong, but confused immunity. If the child grows in an atmosphere of moderate purity, there are animals in the house, the baby walks a lot on the street and is not afraid to blur, the allergic does not occur most often. If the child grows in an excessive sterility atmosphere, then its immunity begins to perceive absolutely safe particles as a threat and struggles with them. That is, immunity is sufficiently strong, so it is not necessary to additionally use immunomodulators - you can provoke an even stronger attack of allergies.


Facilitate the symptoms of half theline can be abide by certain hygiene norms. When entering the apartment from the street, top clothes and shoes need to immediately remove and leave in the hallway. Next immediately go into the shower and thoroughly flush from the skin and hair particles pollen. Windows During the flowering period of allergenic plants, it is desirable to keep closed and with the use of air conditioning in which the filter is in a timely manner. Waking up in the morning and during the day, especially after the arrival from the street, it is necessary to wash the nose salt solution in the proportion of 1 tsp. on 1 l boiled water. In the room you need to make wet cleaning and keep the air temperature at + 16-18 ° C. Do not abuse during household chemicals cleaning. Try to use Eco tools.

Allergy treatment

Effectively cope with the symptoms of allergy on flowering helps diet food. In the period of exacerbation, go to the use of raw foods - vegetables and fruits of green. The use of cooked food contributes to excessive generation of mucus in the body, the use of raw food on the contrary reduces its level. In addition, short-term raw materials contributes to the cleansing of the body from slags and toxins. Many scientists are confident that the manifestation of allergic reactions is primarily a sign of cell gluing. For many years, doctors have been using a highly efficient method of treating allergies - RDT. Unloading and dietary therapy with proper conducting under the control of the doctor makes it possible for 5-6 days to completely get rid of allergy symptoms.

Source science-from-allergies

Although many doctors argue that flowering allergies are not fully treated, it is not. It is possible to maintain health with the help of drugs, and you can fully cure from this disease with the help of RDT. But in any case, carry out treatment only under the supervision of an experienced specialist to whom you trust.

Comments leave a comment
ELENA 07/04/2016 at 13:40

It took advantage of the salvation of the salt cave. In the halo center, 15 sessions were like. It became much easier. It was very better to breathe in the morning, and the eyes do not blush .. the cough. I recommend.

Galya 21/11/2017 at 11:18.

I saves antihistamine and trying to go outside once again.

Irina 11/22/2017 at 11:47.

If you are experiencing allergies, it is necessary to do this allergycation, so that immunity stopped thinking that pollen is a strong threat to the body. I myself have passed several courses Asit, but now the pills are not needed from allergies, for there is no reaction to pollen more. Antihistamines only temporarily symptoms are removed, and it is impossible to call treatment.


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