Allergy to Red - Treatment

Allergy to Red - Treatment

We all know about the benefits of health fruits and vegetables. Juicy appetizing fresh fruits carry not only a lot of vitamins and trace elements, but also a lot of joy for adults and babies. However, it is often possible to encounter the fact that the usual products make a tangible threat. Let's talk in today's article on how to get rid of allergies to red.

Food allergies are characterized by certain symptoms: rash on the skin, edema of the throat and lips, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea. In severe cases, anaphylactic shock is possible. Food allergies can cause various products, while allergic to the red arises as a reaction to licopene and anthocyanine. By themselves, these substances themselves are very useful because they are powerful antioxidants, but sometimes cause an inadequate reaction of the body. By the way, the allergies arise more often on "foreign" products, so it is better for the daily menu to choose local fruits and vegetables, familiar to our organism. Also special attention should be paid to the quality of products. Gennodified vegetables and fruits, unfortunately, are no longer uncommon, but they are, and not red color at all, can cause attacks.


If symptoms appear the disease, immediately go to a hypoallergenic diet. Refuse seafood, dairy products, eggs, mushrooms, citrus, honey, nuts, dried fruits, seeds, spices, sweet, red and orange fruits, berries and vegetables. Of course, products containing dyes, additives, semi-finished products, sweet drinks and other chemistry are excluded. Contact your doctor - it will prescribe antihistamine preparations that bind the attack. By the way, to determine the allergen in food allergies is easier than in its other manifestations. The attack starts between 15 and 180 minutes after receiving the "wrong" product.


After receiving adequate medical care, you can proceed to home treatment. The fact is that allergies, as such, are not treated with doctors. Preparations are reduced to a minimum of its manifestation, after which the allergenic product is simply excluded. In fact, allergic to red, like any food allergy, arises as a consequence of the strong gluing of the body.


An excellent diet helps to cope with the accumulation of slag is temporary raw food. In the period of exacerbation of the disease, go to the use of green fruits and vegetables. Drink more than 2 liters of clean water per day. Exclude all other products for a while. If you do not have contraindications for health, keep in such a nutrition for several weeks. Already 3-4 days you will feel a noticeable improvement in your condition. Repeat such cleaning several times a year - they are necessary for body health. The rest of the time you are moderately. Often allergies, especially in children, arises due to overproing, when the body is not able to split into enzymes the whole portion. In this case, the undecented protein turns into an allergen.

Raw food-at allergies

If you want once and forever get rid of allergies to red, discharge-dietary therapy will help you. This method is successfully treated with all types of allergies in just 6-7 days. However, remember that the treatment must appoint a qualified specialist, and the first time the starvation must pass under its supervision with timely surrendering of tests.


Summarizing the said to cure allergies to the red, it is necessary to eat fractionally to eat, choose only natural fruits and vegetables from proven suppliers, give preference to local products, periodically clean the organism with raw food or RDT. In this case, the allergies to the red with a probability of 99% will leave you forever.

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