What is allergy

What is allergy

Despite the similarity of symptoms and external manifestations, the cause of allergies can be completely different things. In order to have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat you have to deal with - the types of allergies should be known.

The most common is allergic to domestic animals. Allergens in this case may be not only animal life products, such as saliva, horny scales or epitheliums, but also components of feed for them. Allergic reaction to cats is especially common, it is connected with what losing, she leaves his saliva everywhere. The painful influence of dogs, birds and other animals is not so often. Bronchial asthma, rhinitis and conjunctivitis are an incomplete list of symptoms accompanying the course of this disease.

Allergies to home dust is also an ubiquitous disease. Dust on your floor, a cabinet or shelf consists of countless components, including epidermis of human or pets, larvae and insect excrement. In addition, there are constantly dozens of different types of ticks, which are extremely active causative agents of this disease.

Allergic to pollen plants is most often expressed in the form of chronic rhinitis, replenished eyes or difficulty breathing. The causative agent can be pollen both colors and trees. The most frequent source causing an allergen reaction is birch, alder, thymofeevka, wormwood and dandelion. This form of the disease in our country has three peaks:

  • the first one comes to spring when the trees are actively dusting;
  • the second peak falls on June - the first half of July, when gravestone dusty;
  • the third peak is the last decade of August - the beginning of September - it is at this time the dusting of weed herbs.

Allergies to insect bites are most often manifested in the form of the formation of a painful red blister capable of changing their sizes towards the increase over 2 days. In addition, the overall reaction can begin to develop a common reaction: urticaria, vomiting, diarrhea, an attack of asthma or anaphylactic shock.

Food allergies can manifest itself with the most diverse ways - ranging from diarrhea, rhinitis and ending with extensive edema. The external manifestation of the disease can begin immediately after the interaction of the body with an allergen or after some time - it may be nausea or vomiting, itching the skin or rash by body. The most common confirmation of the presence of food allergies in children - diathesis. It is this type of disease that is the basis for the subsequent occurrence and formation of allergic diseases in children. The most active allergens include egg proteins, milk, tomatoes, parsley, watermelons and citrus.

Allergic to the Sun in its symptomatics is not much different from the mass of other skin ailments and is characterized by the appearance of rash, which can occur both throughout the body and in several local areas. The rashes are accompanied by itching and the appearance of edema. In some cases, instead of red rash, there is an appearance on the skin of white spots.

Regardless of the causes of the occurrence, allergies are very dangerous diseases. In case of detecting symptoms similar to those specified in this article, immediately contact a medical institution to establish the reasons for their occurrence and purpose of proper treatment.

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