Itching on the face what to do

Itching on the face what to do

Itching on the face is a serious problem, as this leads to the appearance of combs. At the same time, rings and redness can be infected with bacteria. Accordingly, if the person it is cleared, you need to urgently take measures and solve the problem. In this article we will tell you what to do if the face is called.


Often, the cause is allergic to cosmetics. If you recently purchased a new cream or powder and you have a characteristic rash that itches, then ripe the remains of cosmetics from the face. Purchase only hypoallergenic cosmetics, which passed the appropriate testing. Sometimes, because of a poor-quality or dressing carcass, the eyes are blushing, and redness appear on the centuries that itch. You should throw such decorative cosmetics.

Itching on the face what to do

Has the skin on the face can not only because of cosmetics, but also after receiving certain foods. Usually these are products with plenty of dyes. Children's skin reacts to sweet carbonated beverages based on flavors. Allergic reactions can cause use of exotic fruits.

Itching on the face what to do


Consider some diseases whose symptom is a matter.


This is a disease that often occurs when a hormonal background changes. At the same time, the upper layers of the epidermis are covered with fat, peeling can occur. Seboro itch requires treatment with a dermatologist along with the endocrinologist. When troubleshooting hormonal problems, the skin condition improves.

Itching on the face what to do


The reason for this ailment may be banal irritation. It is observed in men after shaving. The skin is covered with red stains, rashes may appear. When combing it is possible to attach a bacterial infection. Sometimes the reason for the appearance of dermatitis is sensitive skin. Therefore, it must be constantly moistened and use proven cosmetics.

Itching on the face what to do

Atopic dermatitis

It is the reaction of the body to allergen. Therefore, it is possible to reduce itching with the help of eliminating allergen and taking antihistamine preparations. Excellent copes with itching phenyatil, SKINPAP. If the cause of the appearance of the rash is the intestinal disease or stomach, the elimination of the main disease will lead to the disappearance of dermatitis. "Magnify" peeling spots and ulcers with hormonal drugs is useless, as they give only a temporary effect. Try to drink preparations containing lactobacilli. They depress the pathogenic flora and normalize the work of the digestive tract. Giardia and Staphylococcus may not show themselves, the main symptom of the illness is dermatitis. In this case, the treatment of these diseases will lead to skin cleansing.

Itching on the face what to do

Dry skin

Sometimes the cause of itching and peeling is dry skin. To eliminate unpleasant sensations, it is necessary to properly pick a moisturizing cream. Purchase hypoallergenic products based on natural raw materials. Welcome masks for dry skin with honey and sour cream. For cooking should be mixed in equal amounts honey and sour cream and add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Blend hold on the face of 20 minutes.

Itching on the face what to do

Clean your face, and it will always emit health and youth. Do not save and acquire only high-quality cosmetics.

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