Diaper dermatitis in children what to do

Diaper dermatitis in children what to do

Campering dermatitis is a common disease in children of the first year of life, which is inflammation of the skin and accompanied by redness of the skin of kids in the area of \u200b\u200bthe butter, hips and inguinal folds. In severe cases, purulent bubbles, swelling and infiltration of skin tissues may appear.

Which contributes to the development of diaper dermatitis

Violation of the basic hygiene rules in combination with the use of diapers, gauze or incorrectly selected disposable diapers contributes to the effects of factors that lead to irritation, peeling and inflammation of the skin. Among such factors are distinguished:

  • Long contact urine with leather.
  • Skin friction about coarse fabric diaper, diaper material or gauze.
  • High humidity and temperature in the nursery.
  • The use of a washing powder that is not intended for children's linen.
  • Incorrect use of children's cosmetics, such as soap, powder, drying creams.

Uric acid has a damaging effect on the skin, which is repeatedly enhanced by alignment of urine with a feet. With their interaction, a chemical reaction of lactic acid with ammonia, lipase and protease occurs. At the same time, the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms is observed.

Predisposition to the disease

In some kids, the risk of diaper dermatitis is elevated. Causes may be as follows:

  • Tendency to allergic reactions;
  • Long-term treatment with antibiotics;
  • High ammonia content in the urine;
  • Fungal infections Candida Albicans and Streptococcus aureus;
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Violation of water-salt metabolism;
  • Atopic dermatitis.

Campering dermatitis in the anus area can be caused by an alkaline reaction, which is observed in kids when feeding with adapted milk mixtures.

What to do if there are signs of the disease

The most reliable and effective tool is to provide the maximum long-term contact of the skin with air. Children's skin can quickly recover from various damage. There is a large selection of medicines that can also be used to speed up the healing process. The main principle when choosing: if the skin is wet - use drying drugs (ointments, powders); If on the skin of cracks and peeling - we need moisturizing agents (creams, oils). Sweep the skin and reduce the separation of mucus will help ointment with zinc oxide or decantenol. Moisturizing and protective effects have antimicrobial ointments. In severe disease, antifungal ointments may be assigned.

The main rules for the care of a child for prevention and in the treatment of the disease:

  • Change clothes and diapers immediately after urination.
  • That's right, in size and in accordance with the gender of the baby, pick up one-time diapers. Place them after dried to a child. Change every 2 hours when urination and immediately during the intestinal emptying.
  • Wake the crotch with warm water without soap after each chair.
  • Do not rub the skin towel, dry it, slightly busting with a soft cloth.
  • Do not ride a child, dress up the weather.
  • Provide a comfortable microclimate indoor: air temperature - 21-23 ° C, humidity - 50-70%.
  • Do not use several cosmetics simultaneously.
  • Erase underwear with a special children's powder.

When it is worth contacting a specialist

You can apply for a doctor at first signs of the disease, he will tell the correct treatment and will give its recommendations. But there are situations where a visit to a specialist becomes mandatory:

  • You hold the above-described rules of 3-4 days, but the treatment does not help.
  • The body temperature rose to 38 ° C.
  • The area of \u200b\u200blesion increases.
  • Septures of the skin change the red color on the blue-bugs.
  • Evenkers appear, purulent rashes.
  • There is a hair loss against the background of the disease.

Camping dermatitis is a rather frequent phenomenon in kids, because the skin of the newborn is very thin and sensitive, it is easily injured and contains an insufficient amount of moisture. It is important to comply with the rules for child care - this will ensure your baby health, comfort and full development.

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