Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp

Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp

Seborrhean dermatitis - skin disease, the etiological cause of which are conditionally pathogenic mushrooms. Seborrhea affects only those areas of the skin, which are provided with sall glands. Favorite localization is head. Pitirosporum Ovale is the reason for seborrhea of \u200b\u200bthe scalp. This mushroom lives on the skin of all people, but Seborida causes only under certain conditions.

Symptoms and varieties of seborrheic dermatitis

There are two main types of seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp. Each of them has its differences.

  • Fat seborrhea. It is characterized by symmetric lesions of the skin, progressive flow and causes significant itching. The lesion foci is represented by red spots, on which there are plaques with china edges. Plaques are formed as a result of the fusion of fatty scales. At the same time, the hair is very fast fat and stick together into separate curls. At the base of the hair attached whorescent or yellow flakes. Patients are also concerned about the presence of abundant dandruff. The disease can be complicated by the addition of bacterial flora.
  • Dry Seborrhea. In this type of seborrhea, there is insufficient selection of sebum, which also entails problems. The skin dries up, and the hair is thinned and become fragile. Dandruff elements have a very small size and are formed in large quantities. Itching is less intense and rarely occur complications.

Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis

Treatment is worth starting only after confirming the diagnosis of a dermatologist or therapist. The approach must be comprehensive and consist of local and general therapy.

  • Local treatment. The emphasis is done on antifungal and anti-inflammatory funds. Shampoos, having in its composition to come to the feet and zinc pyrithion, are aimed at the destruction of malicious fungi. From their representatives it is worth named by the following: keto-plus, Friterm Zinc and Frieders to come. Antifungal shampoos use 2-3 times a week. After the element of symptoms, shampoo is applied 1 time per week with a prophylactic goal. You can also apply 2% Sulsen paste. Apply it on the hair after washing the head. She washed off after half an hour with warm water. Such a procedure is worth spending every week. To prevent the paste must be 1%.
  • General treatment. Reduce the degree of activity of the disease, you can raise the overall level of body immunity. It is necessary to take multivitamin preparations and adaptogens (Eleutherococcus). It will help and rejection of oily, fried and acute food. Also do not use alcohol and inhale tobacco smoke.

Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp is often found quite often. With proper diagnosis and adequate treatment, it will be possible to forget about this disease in the shortest possible time.

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