Many of us face the unpleasant phenomenon and itching of the skin under the chapel. The head begins to be strong, there are painful sensations and irritation. In this case, the scalp stops the pain only for a moment, and soon it is restored again and even enhances. It is worth a particular attention to this submission, since frequent friction of the skin can make the skin fine and defenseless in front of various pathogens. And then our head turns into a real seedler infections. We figure out more detailed on this issue.
Causes of occurrence
Before starting the fight against malaise, it is worth identifying the reason for its occurrence. Know the source of origin must, since the means and methods of treatment may differ significantly. So, the following factors may be the cause of the sudden head of the head.
Parasitic insects
To parasites that can live in our hair include ticks, Vershi and them like insects. Picks up them is easy, it is enough just to be near people whose hair is already their abode, because insects with ease jump from one head to another. Signs of habitat of lice are postponed microscopic eggs on the hair and bite on the skin surface. These symptoms with ease with a magnifying glass will determine an experienced dermatologist or beautician, so at first suspicions it should immediately sign up for the reception to the doctor.
Hormonal disbalance
If we feel the mountedness of the skin in the field of hair, it says about the hormonal disease that has broken the exchange of the sebaceous glands. In consequence, the Derma ceases to receive the desired amount of humidity and starts to disperse. This event is usually accompanied by the occurrence of dandruff and skin itch. Also should also be keen on a visit to the doctor, since the prolonged development of the disease can turn into seborrheic eczema. Cure to the copy much more difficult than preventing its signs.
Seborrheic dermatitis
Seborrhea skin cover of the head is an acute form of a disease that occurs on the basis of a sharp and long-term drying of the skin due to a lack of moisturizing a hydraulic fluid during hormonal failure. It is impossible not to feel it because the main feature of the disease is a very strong itching and a great abundance of dandruff. Also, in seborrhea, the black dots can be seen on the skin surface. These are acne formed due to blockage of dry pores. The disease can happen not only with drying out, but also due to the increase in the activity of the separation of fatty substances. Therefore, the presence of oily hair is not yet a reason to delete seborrhea from the list of reasons.
The manifestation of allergies can occur from any cosmetic agent, ranging from shampoo and finishing paint for hair. The reaction occurs against the background of the frequent use of the substance whose components in a large dose cause an allergenic character, or when using a new drug for the first time.
Fungus and lichen
The lesion of the skin with fungal infection carries the problem of distributing it to other areas of the skin. Similarly acts and deprived, which to get used very simply, being in contact with the sick animals. Special attention should be paid to children who are more often adults adopt deprived from homeless dogs and cats. There is a dense red spot at the place, and the hair crepts.
General Treatment Rules
The correct treatment of the skin of the scalp should be carried out in accordance with the identified source of origin. For this we understand several key points:
- If parasites divided in the head, you can cope with the disease yourself. To do this, we use a comb with thick bristle, which will help make all the eggs, and the skin of the head with a special solution or cream. The most effective of them are a pair plus, nittifor, pediculus.
- We definitely check all family members for the presence of this ailment. In the absence of itching and similar symptoms, relatives can be narrowed by a circle of suspected sources.
- Clothes and bed linen boil and temporarily do not process detergents.
- In Seboro and other acute manifestation of itching, we turn to those skilled in the art, since the treatment of this stage of the disease requires a clear and long-lasting process.
- We try to conduct a measured daily schedule without overwork and nervous stress. A sufficient amount of time we devote to sleep and rest.
- Eating useful food with a large number of vitamins, the lack of the desired elements will lead to the loss of the desired hormonal background.
- We stably observe the order in the room in which we are, and follow the cleanliness of the hair.
- Drink at least two liters of water per day.
- Recommended twice a week to make moisturizing hair masks.
Elimination of itching by folk remedies
There are many people's recipes that use the head of the scalp at home. For example, chamomile rags, oak or nettle bark stop inflammation and neutralize pain. To eliminate dandruff and removal, it is recommended to make a mask of garlic and onion juice with the addition of olive oil. From fruits effectively apply apple cassea on the hair. It is also possible to use such natural rinses like inland husk or decoction of dandelions.
So we learned how it is necessary to act in case of the sensation of itching in the area of \u200b\u200bthe head. And now it becomes clear that the health of the scalp should be engaged immediately at the first sensations of itching, otherwise there is a huge risk of developing a number of diseases requiring complex and expensive treatment.
Yes, we pedichered ultra bought a truly effective tool, and combed the ridge which was included.
and how many years can you have a Pediculous ultra? Does it go to the set?
Valentine, I bought a set of pediculous ultra, there spray and comb and a magnifying glass. And there is a set with shampoo. The spray from 5 years is possible, and the shampoo with 3x.
I had a fat dandruff, because of this, the skin of the head is quite stuck. Herbrails and other folk remedies did not help, I only with the help of a pharmacy shampoo Berestin could get rid of this. It contains birch to manage, which is from dandruff, and it helps it.