Spots on the neck itching what to do

Spots on the neck itching what to do

The skin on the skin is caused by the reaction of the body into food and chemical stimuli or is a factor in the presence of malicious virus bacteria, the origin of which is fungal. The key to successful treatment is based on the timely definition of the disease and its complex treatment.

Few-shaped lichen

This kind of fungus is also called "Color" deprive. The replacement is not accompanied by itching, does not bother and does not necessarily cause suspicions until it is noticed by its carrier. Lishe hit an exclusively horny layer of the epidermis, manifests itself in the form of small spots of the skin with a clear outline, in the back zone and neck. For effective treatment, use the antifungal drug - "Clotrimazole". This is a remedy for decades a wide range of action for local applications in order to neutralize pathogenic fungi. Treatment occurs quickly, after 5-7 days from the stains there will be no trace. To do this, blot with a woven disk with a solution and process the required zone. Repeat the procedure 2 times / day after the shower.

Atopic dermatitis

Characteristic features of the disease are red spots in the neck and back areas, accompanied by a strong itching. The disease is associated with dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. Fast recovery is possible only if the strictest diet is observed in the complex with medication treatment. If the stains on the neck correspond to the stated symptoms, most likely you have atopic dermatitis And you should contact the district doctor to confirm or refutate the presence of the disease. Probably, you will be prescribed one of the antihistamine drugs ("Claritin", "Allergoglobulin", "diazoline", etc.) and an antimicrobial agent, in rare cases an antibiotic ("Erythromycin"). Avoid stimuli:

  • chocolate;
  • cocoa;
  • fruits and berries, with the exception of apples and bananas;
  • citrus;
  • meat and fish broths;
  • acute, salty, smoked;
  • grilled meat;
  • mushrooms;
  • honey;
  • nuts.

Gymnastics for face and neck

Vegetative disorders

Strong emotional tension is often accompanied by red spots on the neck and in the chest area. Such a reaction of the body to strong excitement is characteristic of hyperimatic people and indicates a violation of the tone of the vessels. The best way to get rid of the problem is to resort to psychotherapeutic methods:

  • put in the shower and in the kitchen;
  • include music and dance for your favorite rhythms;
  • drink sedatives;
  • drink phyto-teas;
  • take a contrast shower;
  • communicate with pleasant people to you;
  • visit entertainment centers in the company of close friends.

All the fact that gives pleasure and relieves stress. Learn to smoothly go out of the usual comfort zone, otherwise it will destroy you.

Infectious diseases

Often the neckline and neck zone are covered with stains as a result of an infectious disease. In this case, it necessarily increases the body temperature. More often, the spots have a dark burgundy color, which can already serve as a reason to appeal to the doctor. Treatment of such stains should be carried out after the doctor's examination and the receipt of medical detention on the basis of the results of the tests. Before determining the diagnosis, do not attempt to self-medication. This may affect not only the aggravation of the situation, but also prevent objective assessment of a laboratory study.

You can easily treat a deceive degrade and vegetative disorders to the presented methods. In other situations, accompanied by suspicious symptoms, first of all - consult a doctor for testing.

Comments leave a comment
Ksenia 03/25/2019 at 11:15.

I just have these stains and turned out to be atopic dermatitis. Now I am treated with non-membrane ointment naftaderm and diet.

To answer
Anna 03/31/2019 at 23:32

Ksenia, what course in this ointment? Is there any contraindications?

To answer
    Ksenia 03/31/12 at 11:54.

    I will say about the course so - I use as needed during exacerbations. Contraindications - hemmorrhagic syndrome, anemia, individual intolerance.

    To answer
Ksenia 03/31/2019 at 12:00

Anna, I will say about the course - I use as needed, during exacerbations. Contraindications - hemorrhagic syndrome, anemia, individual intolerance.

To answer

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