Dermatitis on the hands of what to do

Dermatitis on the hands of what to do

Dermatitis in hand - inflammatory skin disease, which is activated under the influence of annoying factors of biological, physical and chemical nature. The treatment is to eliminate the irritants and the appointment of pharmaceutical preparations.

Provoking factors

The elimination of dermatitis is impossible without detecting an irritating agent. The disease in the hands and on the fingers of the hands can develop when exposed to the following factors:

  • Chemical: Acids, alkaline solutions, household chemicals, paints and varnishes.
  • Physical: radiation, humidity, friction, pressure.
  • Food: the presence of chocolate, conservation, artificial dyes, milk in food products.
  • Biological: skin contact with nettle, rush, garlic.
  • Cosmetic: perfumery, makeup products and cosmetic compositions for skin care.
  • Air: toxicity, gaspace, high concentration of pollen grains of flowering plants in the air.
  • Psychological: stress, phobias, neurosis.
  • Pharmacological: nutritional supplements, antibiotics and other drugs.
  • Genetic: hereditary predisposition to allergic reactions.

Enhance the manifestation of the disease such phenomena as:

  • misuse;
  • large physical exertion, overwork;
  • unhealthy Lifestyle.

Forms and symptoms of the disease

Depending on the type of irritant, the following forms of dermatitis distinguish:

  • contact;
  • atopic;
  • allergic;
  • aktinic.

The disease begins with inflammatory reddening of the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin of the hands, to which the following signs of dermatitis are in the future:

  • itching;
  • papula, plaques, blisters, guns;
  • burning;
  • edema;
  • increase skin temperature and heat feeling on the inflamed area.

In the transition of the disease in chronic shape, cracks, khushiyki, coastability begin to form.

Diagnostics and general treatment algorithm

To diagnose the causes of the disease, the definition of its form and the stage, the dermatologist may assign the following tests:

  • general blood test and general urine analysis;
  • bacteriological, histological examination of scraped with affected skin;
  • biochemical, serological and immunological analysis of blood.

According to the results of the analysis, the specialist identifies allergens, which caused the disease, evaluates the general immune state of the body and appoints personal treatment.

For any form of dermatitis, there are a number of general principles of therapy:

  • receiving sorbents to purify the body (activated carbon);
  • diet correction;
  • eliminate parasites (if available);
  • exclusion from the diet of beet and cane sugar;
  • oral or intramuscular intake of antihistamine (zoda, suprastin, taverned);
  • the use of therapeutic ointments against dryness and pain, the imposition of disinfectants, anti-inflammatory compositions (Eplan, Radaevit, Exoderil, Panthenol, ointment with zinc content);
  • reception of sedatives.

Depending on the cause of the disease, hormonal, antibacterial, vitamine-containing drugs can be assigned.

Powered by dermatitis

An important element of successful treatment of the disease is a diet. In the acute and chronic course of the disease, compliance with nutrition restrictions is mandatory.

Prohibited use:

  • acute, salt, fried food, spices;
  • smoked, preservation, dyes;
  • red caviar, fish, seafood;
  • chocolate, nuts;
  • chicken eggs;
  • vegetables of yellow and red, citrus fruits;
  • mushrooms;
  • milk.

Accelerate the removal of allergens from the body (recommended to use):

  • green vegetables;
  • boiled products and steamed;
  • kefir, rippy, low-fat cottage cheese;
  • oatmeal, buckwheat, rice cereals;
  • green tea;
  • low-fat meat.

The diet is personally compiled, depending on the individual tolerance of the body by the organism.

Folk treatments

With weak tissue damage or to enhance drug therapy, methods of traditional medicine are applied:

  • Hand baths: Take dry flowers or leaves of medicinal herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, dandelion, hawthorn, sage) - 5 tablespoons, brew in boiling water, cool. Such infusions are better to do before bedtime for 20 minutes, then wipe hands then and apply the healing ointment. This procedure relieves inflammation, has a relaxing effect on the skin.
  • Compresses: Useful to apply on the affected areas of dressings dipped in pumpkin juice, apples, cabbage or carrots. The dressing is laid out for 30 minutes daily.

Treatment of dermatitis is complex. Along with the oral use of pharmaceutical preparations, special ointments and creams are prescribed, restrictions in nutrition are set. If you contact a specialist at the first signs of the disease, treatment will be limited to light non-membrane ointments in combination with folk methods. The harder the course of the disease, the more serious will be therapy.

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