Sunny burn in a child what to do

Sunny burn in a child what to do

The sun's rays contribute to the production of vitamin D in the body, which is important for the normal development of children. But the skin in babies is very delicate, and only 10-20 minutes in the sun under the active pipsqueak can get burned. How and what to lubricate the skin of the burned child and that he had to give, we will cover in this article.

What to do once

Manifestations of sunburn you will notice in the evening or the next day. baby skin will turn red and become very hot. You need to reduce the body temperature in the affected areas. Moisten the fabric with cold water and attach the charred portion. Change compresses as their heating. You can use an old tool - yogurt or sour cream. Grease burns these dairy products.

As lower the temperature

It is quite effective wiping and cold compresses. In no case did not pour into water or alcohol vinegar. You can make a decoction of chamomile flowers and moisten them suffered skin. If the state of crumbs rapidly deteriorated, it is capricious and feels weak, give him paracetamol or Ibufen. Infants can knock Nurofenom temperature syrup. Purchase medicine without sugar and flavorings.

Sunny burn in a child what to do

Consider, solar burns can provoke a child with vomiting, so all the antipyretic in the form of tablets and syrups will come back. In this case, use antipyretic candles and cold wiping. Try not to injure the skin and put on the child loose cotton clothes. If your kid has a temperature of up to 38.5 ° C, call an ambulance or consult a doctor. Most likely, antipyretic drugs will not drop the temperature. Prior to the arrival of the ambulance, in the groin area and kneeling, put cool compresses or heating with cold water. No need to use icy water, it should be slightly colder room temperature. A very cold compress can cause a child's spasm, which will aggravate the situation.

Sunny burn in a child what to do

Than to smear burns

In no case are not picked up the blisters, so you will bring infection. If the water has burst or there is a torn edge, and under it the skin, treat the burn with an antiseptic. For this, it is not necessary to use alcohol, it will further burn damaged kid's skin. Pour the wound with a solution of furaciline. It can be purchased in the finished form in the pharmacy or prepare independently from the tablets.

Sunny burn in a child what to do

Immediately after you have noticed redness of the skin at the kid, take it into the shadow and treat the affected areas by Bepanten, panthenol or rescuer. It is better to use drugs in the form of aerosols, so you will touch the skin less.

Sunny burn in a child what to do

Very effective from the sunglasses of cortisone-based ointments. These drugs can be used even in preschool children. Among them is a lock locoid, fluorochort and synaphlan. Perfectly removes itching and pain antihistamine gel phenyatil. It is non-sporm. If the child has a bubble in the scene, it is necessary to use ointment with antibiotics: trimineine, pymafuct. The pymafuct has an antibiotic and corticosteroids, which allows in a short time to get rid of the burn. Keep in mind, lubricating damaged skin is necessary for a very thin layer.

Sunny burn in a child what to do

In order not to worry about the sick child, try to handle the baby with protective lotions before going to the beach. If the child is impossible to pull out of the water, put on it a thin T-shirt with sleeves and panama.

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