What to do when the eyes are watched

What to do when the eyes are watched

All diseases associated with eyes are extremely serious. Experts note that when the slightest problems with vision is found, it is necessary to immediately turn to doctors, who immediately analyze the situation and make some conclusions.

The tear of the eyes appears quite often. This problem may occur with different situations, but most importantly is to know that in the initial stages from her you can get rid of both in simple ways, without resorting to the help of doctors. In a situation where it is simply not possible to get to the specialists, the advice specified below, still makes sense to take advantage. In other situations, the doctor is a necessity.

First you need to know that the tears purify the mucous membrane of the eye, however, too active selection of tears is already a clear ailment, with which you need to start fighting immediately. The main symptom of the tear of the eye, in which you need to resort to the help of the doctor, lies in the spontaneous selection of tears (not during crying). In addition, often tearing is accompanied by a strong red eye, as well as the release of fluid from the nose. The main difference between the usual tears (during crying) from the ailment is the fact that in the second case the process will not be able to stop so much, and without additional assistance it is not necessary.

Stress. It is interesting that during stressing eyes can also get away, and this is due to the fact that the nervous system regularly becomes the cause of inflammatory processes. Experts note that often people in constant stress suffer from tearing, which can no longer stop well-known eye drops or people's ways. In addition, you need to contact not only an ophthalmologist, but also a neurologist who will analyze the situation in detail.

Foreign bodies. Surely everyone knows the situation when some kind of sorink falls on the mucous membrane of the eye, and in this case the eye begins to get out. This is a normal body reaction, so it is not surprised. Most often, the foreign body is discharged into the angle of the eye using tears, so it can be removed using a napkin corner, or with an ear tampon. In the event that, besides the tears, there is an acute pain or thread, it is necessary to immediately refer to those skilled in the nearest medical center or hospital, since the problem may be too serious.

Allergy. Unfortunately, many people suffer from allergies to certain things. For someone it is pollen, but for someone animal wool. In most situations, the allergic reaction is manifested in the form of a tear, which is so easy to stop. At the same time, the eyelids can enemy, form a furuncle. Thus, you need to act immediately to remove inflammation. Most people who know about their ailment take appropriate drugs. In other situations, you need to go to the doctor again.

Harringer injury. It is quite difficult to injury a cornea, but there are many such moments. Often there is a burn, which often appears after a person looked at the sun. When burning, antiseptics are often used, and during mechanical damage it is necessary to appeal to the doctor.

Points or contact lenses. Yes, indeed, even glasses can cause tearing. The thing is that often glasses or contact lenses are incorrect, and a person can see not very clearly. This is exactly what can lead to tear. Moreover, inappropriate glasses can cause a lot of other problems, including headache, so the choice must be made as responsible as possible, especially if the problems with eyes in humans occur quite often.

Migraine. People regularly suffer from headaches, which can occur in a wide variety of reasons. It is worth paying attention to the fact that there are often whole courses on getting rid of migraine. In the event that this ailment also causes tearing, then it is necessary to understand that the situation is extremely serious, so it is definitely a sense of appeal to the doctor. Already after the headache disappears, tearing should be stopped.

Clearly, there are many other situations in which you need to act decisively and effectively. The only advice that will definitely be useful for the majority of people experiencing problems with lacrimation, this appeal to the specialist, which uniquely identify the root cause, by which fluid is released from the eye, and appoint the only correct treatment. Independently conduct any analysis or make important decisions, this is certainly the way to enormous problems.

Comments leave a comment
Pauline 05.22.2018 at 17:22

I've already changed the entire makeup, allergens excluded, the lens is correctly matched exactly, in general the doctor said as long as your eyes try to further humidify drops kationorm, and come in a week. So I had with drops of clear progress, the eyes became quite comfortable, so it may simply not enough moisture.

Anya. 05.22.2018 at 22:37

Indeed, one must first understand because of what my eyes teary, and then take action.

Marina 08.10.2019 at 15:01

I am against dry eye drops and fatigue enjoyed relaxing. Even blueberries forte of Evalar accepted. Good relieves stress and patches. Gradually, his eyes themselves normally feel) Now do not cry for nothing))

Love 05.01.2020 at 19:22

I wear contact lenses and periodically were unpleasant symptoms, tears and brought a lot of inconvenience. The doctor advised to switch to another lens solution, ReNu MPS, it is just suitable for sensitive eyes. In fact, she started to use it, so it went))

Love AP 01.05.2020 at 19:24

I wear contact lenses and periodically were unpleasant symptoms, tears and brought a lot of inconvenience. The doctor advised to switch to another lens solution, ReNu MPS, it is just suitable for sensitive eyes. In fact, she started to use it, so it went)

Love AP 05.01.2020 at 19:25

Strange .. did not publish the first time ...

Arina 30.06.2020 at 15:54

If you wear contact lenses, the symptoms such as dryness, discomfort and watery eyes are. As I explained to the doctor, we do not help corrupt the cornea when removing dressing lens, hence such unpleasant sensations. Korneregel in such situations, to buy and to use the course, that's what he advised. He is on the basis of dexpanthenol, so improvement occurs quite rapidly.

Regina 11/10/2021 at 8:07

But from dry eyes may water?

Julia 24/11/2021 at 8:01 am

Regina, I am not a doctor, but I think that yes. I really have a burning sensation appears in my eyes when they dry. I work in the office, so we have a dry air, and I also look into the monitor. And in order to moisten the eyes, I apply a drop of arthelk splash, they at the expense of the hyaluronek well moisturize eyes, but also preservatives in the composition do not contain both the bonus that the quality is German))


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