Tears perform an important function when working organs of human vision. Distributing over the eyeballs, tears protect them from saidels, which can injure a tender scler, pupil and iris, and also create the necessary humidity for the proper functioning of organs of vision. For different reasons, the tear ducts in infants may be blocked. As a result, tears do not fall into the right channels, and accumulate in the bags of the child's eye and can cause infection. In this case, the baby is simply needed massage of the tear canals, which will make them passable.
The first feature that the tear duct works incorrectly, is the allocation of a pus from the eyebag when the child is crying or just woke up. In order to fulfill the massage procedure correctly, consult a doctor for the necessary recommendations. From the tools you will need disinfecting drops for eyes and a solution of furaciline. The massage procedure must be carried out several times a day, and the entire course will take at least two weeks. The most effective massage will be at the moment when the child begins to cry. It is at the moment of crying all the conditions are created for the maximum easy to break the film inside the tear ducts.Perform a massage procedure patiently and regularly. Only so you can help your baby cope with the disease. Remember that the film is more than militia at an early age of the child. Therefore, be careful and apply a visit to the doctor at the very first symptoms.