We often pay stretching for sharp "drops" weight or hormonal "storms" in the body. But whatever the cause of such defects, it is quite natural that I want to return the skin of the former smoothness. Modern salon procedures guarantee their effectiveness against stretch marks, but not everyone is available. Therefore, we offer you a more affordable method of combating this cosmetic disadvantage in all aspects - home massage from stretch marks. How to do it and with what - read in our article.
General rules for massage from stretch marks
The most effective will be a massage that is carried out on a clean flushed skin, that is, after the bathroom or soul. To ensure the maximum penetration of active substances into the skin during massage, hold the problem spaces (3-4 times a week) before it. As a scrub, you can use both ready-made cosmetics and homework with natural coffee, crushed bones of apricots or grapes, sugar or sea salt. Start and end the massage procedure with strokes, and the massage itself spend on certain lines. So, in the hips and waist area - from the bottom up, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen and breasts - circular motions, in the field of the buttocks - from the spine to the edges of the buttocks.
Honey massage from stretch marks
Honey massage is considered one of the most efficient homemade means of dealing with strolies. To spend such a session, pour yourself in your palm a teaspoon of honey and drive it with sharp, patting movements in problem areas. Continue such a permanent 5-10 minutes until honey is completely absorbed into the skin and does not form a whitish mass (on the skin itself or on your palms). After that, wash the residues of honey with water.
Massage against stretch marks with mummy
Another effective way to get rid of stretch marks - use mummy for home massage. To do this, dissolve the powder or a mummy tablet in any cream if you are going to use vegetable oil or bold cream as the basis - pre-dissolve the mummy in a small amount of water. Not quite pleasant smell mummy can be corrected using essential oils (orange, mint, grapefruit, fir).
Roast massage from stretch marks
Possessed on the regeneration of the skin in places of stretch marks massage using cans. It is a home alternative to salon vacuum massage. It is made of both glass and silicone banks that can be freely purchased at the pharmacy. By the way, silicone banks are more convenient for use, since they are easier to slide on the skin. In addition to cans, you will need oil (on your choice) or specially intended to fight stretch marks (cream or gel). Now you can proceed to the most massage: oil or cream is applied to the pure sparkling body, we put banks and move them (on the stomach - clockwise, on the hips - from the bottom up). Try so that not much the bank sucks the skin, otherwise it will be difficult for you to move it and traces after such a procedure will be really visible (in the form of bruises). Cut such a massage to resistant skin redness (from 5 to 20 minutes). To improve and secure the result, accept the contrasting shower and apply cream (nutritious, from stretch marks) to promoted places. Note that with the help of a juno massage you can kill two "hares" at once - and Strya, and cellulite.
In addition to these types of massages, in the struggle for beautiful smooth skin, you can use the usual massage (hands, a special mitten or brush) with essential oils, hydromassage (with the help of a soul). And remember that stretching, as well as cellulite, require an integrated approach and do not disappear immediately. Therefore, use several ways to combat them immediately, be persistent and patient in achieving the result - and you will definitely see it!