Another 20 years ago, many men did not even guess that their cum could be explored, i.e. Determine the quantity and quality of spermatozoa. Today, the word "spermogram" does not know only the most ancient grandfather. But even knowing that there is such a method of examination of male health, a strong half of humanity does not seek to pass his sperm to the study. And they go to the Andrologist's doctor, only if his partner is on this, for example, when he cannot become pregnant for a long time. In fact, the surrender of sperm for analysis is not completely painful, not ashamed and even comfortable.
It does not hurt because it is the most common ejaculation. Not ashamed - because you care about the continuation of the kind, and this is very commendable. Comfortable - a man in this delicate business can help his beloved, and he will also receive unprecedented erotic sensations.- Sexual acts or other actions leading to seeds;
- Receiving any alcoholic beverages;
- Hiking in a bath, sauna or hot bath.
At the same time, it is desirable to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked and less drinking coffee and strong tea. Meals during preparation for the delivery of the sperm must be ordinary, only you need to exclude too fatty and sharp dishes from the ration. Another doctors advise these days to lead as an active lifestyle as possible.
It turns out that the surrender of sperm on the sperm is not such a terrible procedure. Any man who take care of his health and health of their future offspring may even in preventive purposes to go to the reception to the Andrologist and ask the direction to the spermogram. Men, be healthy!
In general, in full surprise on how much medicine has advanced ... Previously, it was not all this ... We have been trying to conceive a child for a long time, everything did not work, because I didn't seek the reason for the failure in me. And it turned out, as this very sperm-cause is in the husband. After the doctor prescribed spermplant (they ordered, by the way, in the intrinsic store phytomarket-there cheaper than in our pharmacy), tincture of ginseng and physiotherapy, and after the husband passed this treatment, we finally become pregnant)) so that the spermogram really opens to many things eyes, a very useful procedure
Now the male factor is a very frequent cause of infertility couple. Therefore, first of all send a man to take a spermogram.
Yes you are right!! But my resigned to the last, I already checked myself along and across, then he only passed the spermogram after a long persuade. And what's the result? He has some indicators there have been reduced. Upset terribly, the benefit of the doctor was able to configure him on a positive wave, appointed him the course of Aktiprt Andro, gave recommendations on the lifestyle and said in half a year to appear. We did not appear, because after four pregnant)