Night back what to do

Night back what to do

Twin numbness is often found among patients not only mature, but also of young age. The reasons for this phenomenon may be several. It has been proven that numbness or "goosebumps" in the back is more common in women. Doctors are associated with a large number of adipose tissue, which reduces the conductivity of nerve fibers. In this article we will tell, from which the back does not make and how to deal with this phenomenon.

Kyphos and Scoliosis

All sorts of curvature of the spinal column can significantly reduce the conductivity of nerve fibers. It is mainly observed in kyphosis and scoliosis of the spinal and lumbar departments. If you feel pain in the hypochondrium with numbness or you can not lie on one side for a long time, refer to a traumatologist or vertebrologist. If the cause of "goosebumps" in the back is curvature, the doctor will appoint physiotics, medical gymnastics or a special corset. It is necessary to try to strengthen the muscular corset, it will minimize the deformation of the spine and improve blood circulation.

Night back what to do

Violation of nervous and vascular conductivity

Most often, nerve impulses are distorted when transmitted through damaged vertebral sections. This may be due to injuries or age changes. In damaged areas, nerve fibers and capillaries are clarified, which reduces sensitivity. If you do not treat such symptoms, then through time it can lead to significant changes and complications of movements.

An ordinary x-ray will not give reliable information about the impairment of the sensitivity of the back. Therefore, vertebrologists prescribe a computer tomogram that allows you to determine the condition of bone tissue, vessels and nerve fibers.

Sedentary work

If you are working in the office, and your labor activity takes place at the computer, it may cause posture disorders. During this, certain parts of the back turn out to be overloaded, which provokes the appearance of muscle tension. Over time, the area of \u200b\u200bnumbness is growing, and a characteristic stupid pain appears. To avoid similar unpleasant sensations, sometimes get up and go. You can perform a simple charging. To do this, it is enough to bring the pelvis on and counterclockwise. You need to perform slopes and exercise "Mill". It is enough to do exercises every hour a half minutes to reduce the risk of osteochondrosis and weakening the muscular corset.

Night back what to do

Supercooling and intervertebral hernia

If your job is connected with the stay in the cold, be sure to take care of the lower back. Purchase a belt made of dog wool. The back should always be warm. Twin numbness may indicate the presence of intervertebral hernia. In this case, the patient has pain and numbness in a specific vertebral pillar department.

Night back what to do

Only a doctor can identify this or that disease. Alone to get rid of numbness in the back will not work if its cause is hernia or osteochondrosis. After receiving the designated drugs and physiotherapy, it will be possible to get rid of "goosebumps" in the back.

Comments leave a comment
Tina 09/10/2021 at 20:19

Always in such cases, it would be good to check the work of the nerves ... But if it's all right, just the spine and the joints are worried, I can advise rheumaflex. Removes pain and inflammation for all one hundred and possess the chondroprotective action. I ordered a phytomarket in the online store. Well, and of course, more special massages are good.


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