The child has a hurt ear what to do

The child has a hurt ear what to do

The kid's ear pain is so strong that poor parents have to resort to emergency measures to eliminate it even before the child examines the doctor that is risky enough. First aid to children with pain in the ear must be not only timely, but also correct.

Inspect your baby's ear very carefully, perhaps your childly inadvertently swallowed with the nails or accidentally hooked the area of \u200b\u200bthe auditory passage by some object. In a situation where some red leaning, abrasion or cuts are detected without any other clinical manifestations, treat the inflamed place with a cotton wand with hydrogen peroxide or green, without deepening in the hole.

If the pain is localized directly inside, and at the same time, symptoms of viral infection began to be drawn simultaneously, and the mucus formed begins to spread over all available places, order the nose of the child with thoroughbringing droplets - this will to some extent it will help reduce the swelling of the hematic sheath of the hearing pipe, because it is precisely Her blockage most often leads to an intolerant, shooting pain in the ear.

We strongly recommend that there is no droplets in the medical examination, even if they have already been a comprehensive treatment for them. With a damaged eardrum that only a otolaryngologist can see, drops can aggravate the situation.

Before consulting with the doctor, it suffices to close the patient with a soft bandage made with a large piece of cotton wool in the form of a cake, covered with a small segment of the food film or cellophane, and press the "design" with a cap.

If the integrity of the eardrum is not damaged, then a small cotton tong, moistened in a warm boring alcohol, can significantly relieve pain when starting otitis, but this treatment method is assigned only by a doctor.

Important! From warming up, alcohol compresses, bath procedures strongly recommend refusing, even if the caring husbandry grandmothers advise these warming folk remedies as first aid with ear pain.

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