If every time after meals you have hurts in the side of the right side, this suggests that certain problems arose with the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, another organ is sick, located in the abdomen. This article will help to understand the situation and decide whether it is possible to cope with the problem independently or it is worth going to the doctor immediately.
Pain at the top of the belly on the right indicate the disease of important organs: liver, gallbladder, intestinal parts or diaphragm. The inflammation of the liver (hepatitis), in addition to other symptoms, gives himself pool in the right of the right. The liver can be amazed by frequent alcohol abuse or other toxic substances, as well as due to stress.
If you disturb the work of the gallbladder, you will also feel pain at the top of the abdomen on the right side. The reasons for the appearance of these symptoms is incorrect power, or rather excessive absorption of oily food. In this situation, the body is forced to make the emissions of the bile in the intestines from the gallbladder, because without it will not cope with the digestion of heavy fats.
Pancreas is located deep in the abdominal cavity and is one of the most important organs producing digestive juices, as well as important enzymes.
If you have problems with the intestines, then painful sensations in the right side will appear in an hour or two. But when trying to determine the source of unpleasant symptoms, you must remember that the inflammation of the small intestine is accompanied by diarrhea, and the thick-gas zagaznost, bloody and constipation. Also, pain in the right side may indicate the possible inflammation of the mucosa is as well as the duodenum.
In the poverty area, there are painful sensations when the spasm of the gatekeeper occurs at the place of the transition to the duodenum of the most important organ - stomach. Most often, the diseases suffer from neurotic. If the disease occurs, they begin to lose weight and weaker, because after eating in this situation there are vomiting attacks, and food does not have time to be used.
Thanks to the above descriptions, you can pre-determine the nature of the pain and analyze yourself yourself, what is the cause of spasms. If the pains are non-miserable and moderate, then it is possible to remove the unpleasant sensations with the help of popular spasmodic drugs, which can be purchased even without a doctor's prescription.
In what situation should you immediately contact the medical institution to specialists? If, in addition to pain, you have diarrhea or constipation, repeated vomiting during the day. This indicates other terrible disorders: appendicitis, ectopic pregnancy, organ gaps. If you find an increase in body temperature, then do not wait for the appearance of additional symptoms, and immediately head to the doctor.
To prevent strong pain and avoid complications, it will be worth it to comply with the diet and follow the permanent state of health.
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Also came across such a problem. The reason was in a shortage of bile ... Dukes were scored. The doctor, hepatrine recommended to accept and, oddly enough, advised to eat more useful fats (because they are helping the bile "push"). Recommendations listened ...
If the diagnosis of the gastrointestinal tract, then the colonoscopy will not be done, only the ultrasound most likely. I had everything OK on my ultrasound with the intestines, but according to analyzes, some nonsense climbs with microflora. In such cases, I begin to accept Alpha Normix, an antibiotic intestinal, becomes much better.
Also came across such a problem. The reason was in a shortage of bile ... Dukes were scored. The doctor, hepatrine recommended to accept and, oddly enough, advised to eat more useful fats (because they are helping the bile "push"). Recommendations listened ...
I am generally read that with a colonoscopy in the stomach pain, the procedure is not the most pleasant ...
If the diagnosis of the gastrointestinal tract, then the colonoscopy will not be done, only the ultrasound most likely. I had everything OK on my ultrasound with the intestines, but according to analyzes, some nonsense climbs with microflora. In such cases, I begin to accept Alpha Normix, an antibiotic intestinal, becomes much better.