Why after eating stomach hurts

Why after eating stomach hurts

Stomach pain after meals is one of the most common complaints at the gastroenterologist. Even if it is weakly pronounced, it is necessary to diagnose in order to avoid dangerous diseases. Consider the main reasons that can cause abdominal pain after meals.

Lack of beneficial bacteria. In some cases, the intestines in the intestines that appear after meals may indicate dysbacteriosis. Especially if they are complemented by bloating, rumbling and increased gas formation. This means that harmful bacteria prevailed in the intestines, as a result of which food begins to rot and wander. Because of this wall, the stomach annoy and damage.

Gastritis. If the pain occurs immediately after meals, it is possible to argue that the problem lies in gastritis with increased acidity. A large amount of gastric juice leads to damage to the mucous membrane, as a result of which ulcers are formed. When food enters the body, damaged areas begin to root.

Colitis. This disease is manifested in inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine. His sign is a stitching and twisting pain. Colitis occurs due to the reception of low-quality products and leads to long-term food. Also, the disease may appear due to the presence of a large number of worms in the body. In many cases, colitis proceeds simultaneously with enterocolitis, which consists in inflammation of the small intestine.

Reduced acidity of gastric juice. The pain that is manifested after an hour after eating, indicates the weakness of the digestive process and its inability to work fully. This problem arises against the background of reduced gastric juice acidity. When it is not enough, food can not digest normally, so long is in the stomach. Because of this, and pain appears.

Heartburn. In addition to pain after meals, heartburn can be recognized by the constation when less than three defecations occurs per week. At the same time there is a hard stool. These symptoms appear due to the lack of fiber in the body. The use of insufficient water is further aggravated by this problem.

Food poisoning. The result of this trouble is sharp stomach pain. In addition, for food poisoning is characterized by nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Some people may have a bloody chair, dehydration and even disruption of the nervous system. It all depends on the degree of toxicity of the product that caused harm.

Appendicitis. According to symptoms, it is very similar to food poisoning, but more accurately to this disease indicate pain in the stomach and the lower right side of the abdomen. With their occurrence, it is necessary to urgently cause a doctor, since surgery is required for the treatment of this disease. Unfortunately, the exact causes of appendicitis inflammation are still unknown. But it was revealed that people feed on right are much less susceptible to the emergence of this problem.

Pancreatitis. Pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe top of the abdomen can cause pancreatitis when the pancreas is inflated. Moreover, gradually pain extends to the right and left side of the abdomen, and some people - even in the lower back. For pancreatitis, nausea is characterized, vomiting with the smell of chair, fever and rapid heartbeat. The main reasons for its appearance are: alcohol abuse, the presence of viral diseases, complications after transferred operations.

The pain in the stomach after meals can become a serious problem, so it should be treated with great care. With the periodic appearance of weakly pronounced pain, it is necessary to contact the gastroenterologist. But if they are sharp and strongly pronounced, the best solution is to immediately call ambulance.

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Valeria 09/09/2015 at 16:42.

I had a similar one because of the wrong nutrition. Wood when it is necessary that you have ... But in such cases I left mezim, he helped my digestion to cope with meals, and the stomach stopped sick. Now I try to eat normally)

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Galina 07/07/2018 at 19:12

You can go to the doctor, I myself took the trime, since I previously told me about him about him and it was them that I treated constant weight and discomfort in the stomach. But if this is the first time, you can go to the hospital.

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Eve 08/07/2018 at 1:10

I would be the opposite for the first time for the doctor for the first time, I tried to solve this question myself. But this is only my opinion, and not a guide to the dusty !!

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Nina 09/14/2019 at 13:02

It was like that ... (yes, it seems, it is very often found at all) -Is for the intestinal stuffiness. The constipation overwhelmed terribly .... And the enemas stopped helping at all. Then he went to the doctor, and he said that he first-inhavo, what to do with the constipation-improving the intestinal motility-I for this, Fillax took and became more fiber in the diet. Ugh pah, intestine recovered ... Now there are no such problems at all)

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Karina 23/05/2020 at 13:10

Last week I had a terrible intestine, grabbed, grabbed very much, and then let go, repeated quite often. I used to have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and here it is very much very much .. I called the doctor, he recommended to start taking Alpha Normix, an intestine antibiotic. It really helped, now I feel great!

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