How to get rid of gases

How to get rid of gases

Gas formation in the intestines - the problem is extremely not pleasant and tickling. It happens that discomfort from gases in the abdomen will find us in the very inappropriate place: on study, work, in transport or on a date. It can not only cause ridicule of people around people, but also consolidate bad glory for you. Before treating meteorism, it is necessary, first of all, to understand his reason.

Food is the most common reason for the formation of gases, bloating, gravity and discomfort in the stomach. It is necessary to eat not only healthy and right food, namely more vegetables, dietary meat and cereals. Knowing his problem, it is also necessary to refrain from some products. Excessive bloating causes eggs, apples, grapes, cabbage, black bread, nuts, peas, beans, kefir and carbonated drinks. In addition, a combination of non-compatible groups of products should be avoided, for example, dairy product, vegetables, fruits.

It is important not just that we eat, but also how we do it. Rapidly absorption of food and conversations at the table will inevitably lead to a cluster of excess air in the stomach. For the same reason, it is not desirable to use very hot and very cold food. The overeating either will not make anything good in the digestive system, so it is necessary to control the amount of one eaten over one reception and listen to its saturation sense.

To reduce the blown of the abdomen and reduce the amount of gases will help such medicines as activated carbon, Espumizan, Simetikon, Hilak-Forte, Smekt, etc. They provide only symptomatic assistance and are not suitable for the continuous solution of this problem. Instead of familiar black coal in pharmacies, you can find white coal. It is more effective, it takes much less (one tablet is enough), it is aesthetically more pleasant in use. All these drugs are usually practically harmless and released without a recipe.

In case the case is definitely not in nutrition and proven funds did not give the desired result, it is necessary to refer to the gastroeterogogo doctor, since the meteorism can be a sign of various diseases of the gastric intestinal tract. If a specialist diagnoses colitis, gastritis, enteritis or dysbacteriosis, then diet and special preparations containing bifi and lactobacillia will help. The most common drugs of this group are lines, acipol, bifidumbacterin, probe, etc.

There is a chance that problems with gases are caused by parasites (helminths). In this case, anthelminthic drugs discharged by the attending physician according to the results of the tests should be made. The most common medicines that can help, Helmintoks, levamizol, nemocide, niclosamide, etc. If a specialist finds an intestinal infection, then the course of antibiotics will most likely be appointed.

A large accumulation of gases is often observed in newborns, which brings them and parents a fair discomfort. This is due to the fact that their gastrointestinal tract is still poorly developed and sometimes gives failures. Help the baby can be a belly massage, pulling the knees to the chest and lays out on the stomach before meals to strengthen the muscles. You can also purchase suspension from Colik's pharmacy. Sab Simplex, Bebi Kalm, Espumizan Bebi, Bobotik, Plantect, etc. There are special herbal teas and tinctures that eliminate swelling exist.

Swimming and gas formation can be cured and without resorting to pharmaceutical preparations. There are many folk remedies that facilitate the symptoms. Add Tmin, Fennel or Anis to the food. Lamprints of licorice, dill, valerians, chamomile or mint helps reduce gazebing gases in the abdomen. One teaspoon of any of these herbs is boiled for 5-10 minutes in one glat of water. Take ginger powder on a knife tip 3 times a day after meals. Also try on a piece of white bread or sugar drop 6-8 drops of almond oil, and then meteorism will not find you surprise.

High gas formation is not uncommon for people with active life rhythm when there is no time for full nutrition and rest. For the prevention of bloating and gravity in the stomach, the diet should be adjusted, streamline the meal mode. It is necessary to minimize alcohol, cigarettes and stress. Move more and are in the fresh air. Do not neglect the prevention of the recovery of the intestinal flora, taking pro- and friends, they will never be superfluous. And then the body will work like a clock, and you will forever forget about this delicate problem.

Comments leave a comment
Lera 11/05/2018 at 17:53

I was my belly to bring a lot of unpleasant moments. Severity, bloating, spasms .... Is this nonsense this nonsense?

Alla 05/22/2018 at 21:21

Lera, causing anything cause. And stress at work and nutrition. I had the most such problems, even went to the doctor, since the thoughts about ulcers were. But thank God everything cost, I appointed a course of the trime and no more about problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Diana 19/09/2019 at 20:09

A familiar problem, I struggle with her not the first month. At home, it is still okay, you can quickly prepare dill water or windy tea, there is no such option at work. I bought myself a Siemetone with Fennel, to quickly eliminate the bloating what is needed. I got a tablet, drank and you can continue to work.

Leonid 02/11/2019 at 14:18

It is very important, of course, still to understand what they are caused ... In my case, the reason was constipation. It is clear that just pills from bloating and gases did not help. But when I got rid of the constipation (accepted, by the way, the phytomyl norms and probiotics) -All came to normal. No wonder they say that it is most important to eradicate the reason ...


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