Why during menstruation hurts belly

Why during menstruation hurts belly

Women of different ages suffer from pain before and during menstruation. Sometimes the unpleasant feelings are so high that deprive the ability to live in a normal life. In severe cases, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, lower back pain, sacrum appear. All these signs characterize the normal functioning of the body, but sometimes signals the critical situation of women's health.

Doctors call the main cause of pain at the bottom of the abdomen during the monthly algodismenore. This difficult phenomenon is 2 species:

  1. Primary. Associated with the inner structure and the location of the uterus, i.e. During the menstruation period, this body works hard and creates pressure. It causes severe pain.
  2. Secondary. Causes are linked in inflammatory processes in the organs of a small pelvis of a woman. Thus, pain enhance endometriosis, cysts, the use of intrauterine spirals and the consequences of peritoneous operations and in the uterus.

The distressed hormonal background negatively affects the well-being of a woman:

  • Prostaglandins are produced by the uterus cells. The more their concentration, the stronger the strength of the reductions of this female body. The overabundance of prostaglandins affects not only abdominal pain, but also on secondary symptoms - headache, vomiting, chills and tachycardia.
  • For hard days during menstruation, the work of the hormones of the thyroid gland is affected. With their elevation, there are stretching pain at the bottom of the abdomen, as well as weight loss and insomnia.

To facilitate the difficult condition, it is important to relax. Internal tension affects the production of hormones. With menus, learn more in bed, look at a warm plaid. Strong physical activity is not recommended these days, it is possible to do yoga. Take an anesthetic. For example, ibuprofen.

If the belly hurts for a long time and there is plentiful bleeding, it is worth contacting the doctor. After the examination, adequate therapy is assigned, which eliminates abdominal pain or reduces their degree.

If the stomach hurts during menstruation, then you should not despair. Often this is the usual phenomenon that is observed mainly in unborn women. The causes of pain wear both natural character and do not require interventions, and signals various diseases.

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