Why sore chest

Why sore chest

Unexpected chest pain is an important signal of the disease in the organs of the chest or abdominal cavity. It arises in the form of an attack and may be the first and at first the only evidence of the occurrence of a disease requiring medical care. The patient with such symptoms is subject to a close survey, and only relying on the correct diagnosis, therapeutic measures are appointed. We will discuss in more detail why the chest hurts.

Causes of chest pain

Pain in the chest area indicates diseases:

  • musculoskeletal;
  • respiratory system;
  • hearts and vessels;
  • spine;
  • nervous system;
  • gastrointestinal illnesses;

Each human body is supplied with nerve endings acting together as an integrative system, the receptors of which are propagated from the spinal cord. In the chest begins the branch of the nerve trunks towards the authorities. This feature allows you to feel the pain of the stomach as a heartless ailment. The signal about pain in the stomach comes first to the common trunk, and then to another organ.

Symptoms of chest pain

Symptomatic features arising from serious diseases of the chest organs are often practically identical, but still they can be differentiated according to some features:

  1. Unbearable pain spreading in the neck or hand shows the presence of acute ischemia or speaks about myocardial infarction. Patients compare ischemic pain with dyspepsia.
  2. The pain occurring under loads and stopped after their completion is associated with angina.
  3. An unpleasant heavy pain that gives back in the back may indicate the bundle of the thoracic aorta.
  4. Pacific pain, beginning in the epigastric region and moving to the throat, starts growing when the body is in a lying position - testifies to GERD.
  5. Increase the temperature, strong chills, cough - indicate pneumonia.
  6. The pain with severe shortness is most often indicated about the embolism of the artery of the lung.

Diseases of the respiratory organs

Diseases of the respiratory tract are not really different with sharp pain (in the pulmonary fabrics there are no painful receptors). Pain occurs only when pleutritis. But it should be borne in mind that some malignant formations in the initial stages of the disease affect painful sensations in the chest, increasing inhalation. In order to fix changes in time, preventive fluorography is needed.

Injury pain

Pain symptoms may arise due to injury. Strong blows often lead to muscle absorbers or blood vessels, which causes chest pain. Pain strengthening is observed with sharp breaths or corners or slopes of the body. If the pain is felt when the chest is noted, it may turn out that there is a crack or a fracture.

Breast Painter

Permanent dull pain in the chest may indicate less dangerous diseases than a sharp acute attack. Such pain is characteristic of neuralgic diseases and diseases of the spine. In addition, such symptoms indicate violations in the functioning of the pancreas, stomach. If over time the pain begins to increase, it means that the disease progresses.

When you need to call an ambulance

Some signs of pain may indicate that the doctor needs to be treated immediately. Delay is dangerous for life. These symptoms include:

  • Breast pain with tearing cough after physical tension. Possible loss of consciousness.
  • Acute pain that does not stop more than 10 minutes.
  • Strong pressure in the chest or burning pain, turning into other organs.
  • Sudden sharp pain and blood with cough or a tearful breath.
  • Compression and chest pain, together with a rapid heartbeat, protruding then, anxiety, dizziness, tapping or vomiting. You can lose consciousness.

With all the similarity, the symptoms of the chest pain may indicate completely different serious diseases that require absolutely not similar to treatment. Therefore, in the occurrence of pain in the chest area, it is necessary to immediately contact the doctor. Do not lose in vain time, the doctor will diagnose, prescribe a survey and reveal the cause. Only after this is prescribed the necessary treatment.

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