Do you often have a cold and sick infectious diseases? Perhaps, your immune system is weakened and measures must be taken to the body's resistance to disease improved. Vitamins help Immunity rarely get sick and to cope with infections faster.
The immune system has no central body, so there is no specific vitamin, which can make the body resistant to diseases. That is why the frequent colds should take complexes that stimulate the production of protective cells, and antioxidants.- A - is responsible for the condition of the skin and muscles. Involved in protein synthesis and the "defensive" cells. With its lack person easily gets cold and suffers from skin diseases. Furthermore, retinol improves vision and promotes tissue regeneration.
- E - a catalyst for the formation of immune cells. He did not produce, but accelerates the synthesis of proteins within cells. Its worth taking at frequent pains in the heart and muscle weakness. It is recommended to use women as it helps to strengthen the uterus and the restoration of the mucosa after surgery.
- B - vitamin for healthy skin and thyroid. He is responsible for the excretion of disease-causing viruses and bacteria. Without riboflavin blood would become like a "dump" waste disease control. That is, it purifies the blood and skin. Due to a lack of this vitamin allergy appears. Body can not cope with the disposal of pathogenic organisms. Because of this, the cells become sensitive to any allergen. After chemotherapy and complex operations prescribed vitamin ampoules.
- P - forms the flavonoids that protect the body against viruses. It inhibits the growth of tumors and displays the body of free radicals.
- C - the most famous vitamin to enhance immunity. It speeds up the healing process and helps to improve resistance to disease. Recommended for frequent colds and viral infections.
Pint balanced and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Be healthy!
Interestingly, thanks!
The pediatrician advised us to use the spray of Moraornasal immuno to strengthen the child's immunity and protect it from cold and influenza viruses. He said, it contains peptides and no chemistry, therefore, this is the best safe strengthening of children's immunity.
And I am in the immunity to carry into the curcumin from Evalar. I drink a month 1 in autumn and 1 in the spring. It has now become much less likely, so I advise)) but in general, of course, the hardening is the best way ... practicing sometimes, but most often to make myself just can't)
my husband and I just take a tincture on the hawthorn ... Immunity is very cool strengthens ... And you couldn't choose with children for a long time, as a result, our choice fell on the immuno vitamos, the child just often sick before, but after taking these vitamins the situation was much improved True, we also began to charge with a child every morning, I think in the amount everything worked out)
Alcohol tincture? Or is such a pharmacy for sale? In connection with this coronavirus about immunite, you think ...
I never forget about immunity, Herpes had previously worried a lot, slightly walked all the lips of the "bloom" (((so I am vitamined all year round, plus punctured course of injections
Immunomax and, in principle, no longer bothers herpes for a long time. But I do not lose vigilance))