Ginger for immunity

Ginger for immunity

In crude cold weather, protect the body from the cold will help the ginger. This plant has camphine, Feladrin, Gingegerol, Bornetol, are present in large quantities of vitamins C, A, B1, metals - magnesium, sodium, zinc. All substances increase immunity and help to resist diseases.

When buying, take the root in your hands. Choose a solid and smooth plant with fibers, without black spots. Condemally distinguish the "young" and "old" ginger. "Young" can not be cleaned from the peel before cooking. Store in the freezer up to 6 months, in the refrigerator - up to three weeks, pre-packing into the cellophane film.

It is impossible to take ginger people with bile disease and suffering from ulceated colic, as well as newborns. Nursing mothers can use the product if there is no allergies or another body reaction.

Most often for use prepare ginger drink. Clean the root from the peel, cutting off the crust as thinner as possible, the surface is located a fragrant layer saturated with oils. Sattail the product on a shallow grater. You can add some water and grind the root of a blender to a porridge state, so even better - it turns out more juice. To get a drink, fill the grated mass with two liters of hot water. After 10 minutes, the tincture can be drunk. It is allowed to boil water on slow heat for 10-15 minutes.

Drive twice a day to 200 g, regardless of meals. Ginger is measured in centimeters, for this recipe, two centimeters of the root are sufficient. The taste of plants are specific - tart with mustard, so add lemon, cinnamon or cardamom, honey into the drink. The tincture can be drunk with the flesh, but you can squeeze it. Do not drink it before bedtime, if it prevents you from falling asleep, or before eating, if there is an unpleasant feeling.

You can drink ginger tea. Pour into a bowl two teaspoons of tea leaves and one of grated ginger, lemon wedge and cover with boiling water. After brewing, strain the infusion, a little cool and add honey.

Good results are obtained ginger juice to be taken up to 3 times a day for 3-5 mil. The child did not refuse from the juice because of the unpleasant taste of the root make mousse with honey and lemon. In addition to medicinal properties, the drink is very refreshing on a hot day.

For those who are always in a hurry, there is a simplified method for preparing a beverage. Wash the product, remove the peel and finely chop. Dip in hot water, bring to the boil and cook for 20 minutes on low heat - and can be drunk.

There is a recipe for a medical product without infusion. The root of the weight of 120 g peel and rub on a small grater. With four lemons, remove the peel and cut into small cubes. Pour the ingredients in a bowl and chop the blender. Add 150 g of honey. You can add 300 g pumpkin. Store mixture in a refrigerator. To enhance immunity, take a tablespoon every day. Also, the mixture can be added to tea.

On the shelves of supermarkets appeared candied ginger. It brought in from China, where the product is very popular. It retains the beneficial properties and has a pleasant taste. Ginger can be sugar alone. Root peel, put in cold water, heat to boiling and simmer for half an hour before softening. Fill the product with sugar and put in the refrigerator for storage. Drink tea.

The result of the use of ginger in your diet you will feel in a month. It has properties similar to garlic, but devoid of unpleasant odors. Therefore ginger located on the uppermost row in the popularity table of substances that enhance the immune system.

Comments leave a comment
Ivan. 01.29.2016 at 23:33

Honey in hot water loses a lot of its beneficial properties. I read a lot about it. Honey can eat separately?

Dasha 05.05.2021 at 16:37

udy help ginger. As part of this plant have kamfin, feladrin, gingerol, borneol, present

Chora 16.05.2021 at 10:57

Ginger I do not like and do not particularly believe that it is capable of somehow immunity to establish, ... that's what really helps is, of course, probiotics. They normalize the microflora and thereby healing the entire body as a whole. I myself take a tank set of a flap. There are 17 species, plus all resistant to acid in the stomach. This is a guarantee that everything will be fine with health.


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