How to use celery root

How to use celery root

Retractuous pace returns its former popularity. Useful and delicious celery root. The existing diversity of culinary dishes and recipes of traditional medicine is due to the content of a large number of vitamins, microelements, essential oils and amino acids in a vegetable vegetable.

Alternative medicine considers celery to be a potent natural medicine. The root is present in recipes in the treatment of many ailments: increased pressure, male impotence, impairment, reduced hemoglobin level, strengthened sweat glands, insomnia, problems of the digestive tract and the urogenital system.

Loved the root of celery and nutritionists - for an active positive effect on metabolic processes in the body. Developed celery diets in a complex with physical exercises contribute to the effective disappearance of unnecessary kilograms.

The perfume industry actively uses celery extracts to create perfume fragrances.

Celery roots are ideal for cooking juice. Composition of juice: Celery root - 1 pc., Pear (can be replaced with an apple) - 2 pcs., Ginger root (can be replaced with lemon, lime, horseradish) - 2 pcs. Wash and clean all components of juice. Cut with pieces for unhindered passage through the chute juicer. Slit juice, run over the glasses. If you wish, you can add ice cubes.

Fans of the first dishes will have to taste soup with root celery. Prepare: Big Celery root - 1 pc., Leek - 2 pcs., Creamy oil - 3 tbsp., Onions - 1 head, sour cream - 3/4 art., Cream with fatty from 30% - 1/4 Art., Water - 1 l, salt - 1 tsp, Black pepper - to taste, Pen Schitt-bow for decoration. In a 4 liter saucepan, it is necessary to melt the oil and add chopped leeks and onions. Frank onion Mix about 15 minutes to golden, but not brown. At this time, the cleaned celery root cut 2.5 cm with a thickness of up to 1 cm with a thickness of up to 1 cm. Add slices to a bow with a bow along with salt and 100 g of water. Cover the contents with a lid and boil 10-15 minutes to a soft state. With a quick evaporation of water, add another 100 g of water. Then pour the remaining water, bring to a boil and boil for another 20 minutes. Give a little cool, grind the whole mass in a blender to a creamy consistency. An hour before filing on the table, take the cream sour cream. Boil soup into small cups or plates. Each portion is supplemented with a spoon of sour cream with cream and complete the dish with a chopper of a green bow with pepper.

You can prepare a useful salad with root. Take: Juicy Celery Root - 1 Piece, Lemon - 1 PC., Walnut Oil - 2 Article., Olive oil - 1/4 of Art., Sugar - 2 tsp., Red wine vinegar - 1 tbsp. l., Juicy capers - 1/3 of Art., Parsley - 2-4 twigs, salt and pepper to taste. Cleaned celery cut into small straws. After halfway cutting, pour a tablespoon of lemon juice. This will prevent the root darkening. To the second half also add lemon juice. Stir the contents with salt and pepper. The remaining lemon juice is sweeping with walnut butter, olive oil, sugar and vinegar. Send the resulting mass with capers and chopped parsley to the Celery's root. All mix. Dish is ready - enjoy the taste.

Delicious and beautiful produced pancakes from Celery root. Ingredients: Celery root - 1.2 kg, potato or corn flour - 80 g, olive oil - 30 g, horseradish - 30 g, apples - 230 g, salt and pepper to taste. Cook apple sauce. Purified from peel and seed apples pour with a small amount of boiling water. Boil until soft. After scattering in a blender to puree. Cool and add grated horseradish. Sut the root on the grater, add salt, pepper and flour. All mix well. Fry to golden color. Serve on a plate with apple sauce.

Pancakes from Celery

The number of fans of the root is steadily increasing. Useful properties, a memorable taste and recognizable fragrance make it possible to use celery root in various spheres of human life.

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