Oregano oil, how to use

Oregano oil, how to use

Orego oil is also called Oil Oil - Grass with small blue and purple flowers, which is not found in our territories. It has nothing to do with oils that add to food seasonings. It is primarily used in medical practice and cosmetology. We learn more, how to use oregano oil produced from oregano.

For what is used oil oregano

Oregano oil has a wide range of therapeutic capabilities due to the presence in its composition of components such as thymol and carvacrol. A huge number of phenols allows the use of means for the treatment of many ailments, such as:

  • skin diseases, purulent education;
  • bites of various insects;
  • fungal and bacterial infections;
  • disen and teeth diseases;
  • diseases of the joints and vessels, arthritis;
  • intestinal infections and urinary system.

In addition, oil oregano kills streptococci and staphylococci.

Oral oil receiving ORGANO

If you feel the discomfort of the digestive system, the inner burning, the colitis of the intestinal tract, then take oil oregano inside three or five drops, mixing it with a teaspoon of honey or sugar. Perform the procedure two or three times a day. For children, cut the reception to once a day and for one-time reception, use two drops of oil. Use the tool for a couple of months in a row, it will help maximize the inflammatory processes and eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Drops can be replaced by emulsions in the form of capsules and take 150-200 mg per day. Put the drug with an abundant amount of milk, juice or water, because at undiluted form does not apply the drug.

It is desirable before using the drug to consult a doctor, he will appoint an optimal dose and tell you what is better to combine the drug. In some cases, oil is effectively combined with iron, and in others - with different liquids.

Oregano oil as ointment

To eliminate sebum, inflammation or other similar arals of the skin, dilute the oil on the base and apply directly to the sore place. Olive, coconut oil or vegetable are perfect for the base. The concentration should be one or two drops of Oregano oil on one tablespoon of the base. If the disease flows in a light shape, just one application per day, increase the amount of applying to three times a day. Watch the treatment process if the improvements do not occur after two weeks of oil use, then contact a specialist. It may appoint a comprehensive treatment.

Oregano oil rinsing

The rinsing of the diluted oil oregano is suitable for the treatment of viral and colds, various infections of the mucous membranes. Pour the glass of orange juice, add three drops of oil into it and carefully rinse the oral cavity several times. In the absence of juice, use water, make sure that the fluid temperature is slightly above room. Stripping twice a day - after breakfast and before bedtime.

Cautions when using Oregano oil

When using Oregano oil, be sure to consider the following aspects:

  • When buying funds, pay attention to the presence of a leaf with the instruction. Buy Oregano oil only from the manufacturer known to you.
  • If you have individual intolerance of the plant, you should not use it.
  • With a feeling of vomiting, dizziness, allergies during oil intake, stop the procedure and be sure to visit the specialist.
  • In no case do not use oil over a permissible norm, because it has a strong therapeutic effect, and overdose is fraught with complications in the body.
  • Pregnant and nursing is not recommended to use Orego oil.

Thus, it is absolutely not difficult to use oil oregano. However, it is impossible to retreat from the instructions for use, since together with the benefit of the tool can harm the body.

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