How to give newborn bifidumbacterin

How to give newborn bifidumbacterin

Bifidumbacterin is a drug that restores the normal intestinal microflora. It is widely used for the disease of the intestinal tract in newborns. True, for such a category of patients, there is their own rules for the reception of the drug.

The testimony for the use of bifidumbacterial can be: premature birth of a baby, a clinically established diagnosis of dysbacteriosis, infection of the digestive tract, disorder of digestive and chair in a newborn, an early transition to artificial feeding, comprehensive treatment of allergies and sepsis in children.

For newborns, the drug is bought in the form of dry powder, in bottles. Immediately before use, it is dissolved with boiled water temperature or breast milk, having stolen to completely dissolve. Properly take a medicine 30 minutes before meals, but in the case of newborn kids, the reception is allowed simultaneously with feeding.

Dose of the drug appoints a purely doctor! Take the preparation of bifidumbacterin two times a day, at least one week. In advanced cases, the preparation can be extended to 2-3 months.

It is impossible to store a divorced drug! If the dose bottle exceeds the appointed one, then can be divided into pieces of dry mass, quenching the desired amount of powder into another pure container. The residue is tightly needed to clog in the bubble and put in the refrigerator. In the open form allowed storage no more than a day. And the storage temperature of bifidumbacterine should not exceed 10 degrees, that is, keep it in the refrigerator.

If the diagnosis is delivered correctly and the appointment of bifidbacterial was appropriate - then the improvement will be noticeable from 5-7 days of reception. The baby will be calmer, the gas formation will decrease in the intestine, the chair will be created. Meet your pediatrician, perhaps after the main course of treatment, he will appoint you a week's preventive dose of medicine.

Do not give the drug to the crumb at your own discretion or the Board of the girlfriend. He must appoint a doctor! During the reception of the drug, watch carefully behind your baby and its condition! Since completely harmless drugs does not happen, even on bifidumbacterin can be individual intolerance! Health to you and your kids!

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