Fennel for newborns

Fennel for newborns

The bitter cry of the baby who does not take up rattles and rims, sign all young parents. The baby is fed and clean, healthy, not deprived of attention, but the problem does not disappear anywhere. The conclusion is obvious: the child is worried about colic, it is experiencing significant discomfort and pain. Fortunately, nature took care of newborns and invented miracle herb called Fennel.

Adjusting to self-digestion of food, the child's body is forced to experience the swelling of the abdomen, the accumulation of gases, as a result of which the rather unpleasant pain syndrome appears. Fennel reduces gas formation, improves digestion, neutralizes the intestinal musculatory spasm, has a general soothing effect. Thanks to this plant, the newborn is partially or completely get rid of colic, its well-being and mood is improved.

Durce (Fennelhel) Water for infants is sold in those pharmacies that are engaged in the manufacture of drugs. It is an infusion of fennel essential oil on purified water in a proportion of 0.05 ml per 1 liter. It is released in 100 ml bubbles and can be stored in the refrigerator up to 30 days.

Alternative version of tincture - dry granules with fennel. They are bred in warm water, and as a result, soothing children's tea is obtained. During the preparation of such a drink, it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions and not exceed the recommended dosage.

Durce water can be prepared at home. To do this, you should measure 2 grams of fennel seeds and pour them with a glass of boiling water. After an hour, infusion is ready, it remains only to strain him through the gauze. A short storage of the drink is allowed, but the children under one month can only give fresh tea.

Start the reception of fenhel water should be with several spoons before meals. On the day, the baby needs to offer a drink not more than 3 times, but gradually the volume of fluid, and the reception frequency is increased. Small doses can be stirred in breast milk or mixtures. If the child is not accustomed to a bottle, Fennel is better to give from a spoon.

For most children, dope water is an excellent painful tool, but in rare cases it can provoke allergies. Often the negative reaction is expressed by redness or rash on the skin. Therefore, it is necessary to control the condition of the baby after the first testers of the tincture. In addition, situations are known when Fennel did not provide a proper impact on the digestive system of a particular child, and colic did not stop.

As you can see, Fennel is not a panacea for newborns, but quite often it helps the baby to survive the blossom of the tummy and the unpleasant sensations associated with this. It is harmless, accessible and easy to use. The fenhel tincture does not have an unpleasant smell or taste, so the child will drink it without objection. Already in the first days, parents will notice the positive effect of herbal tea on the state of the baby and the emotional atmosphere in the whole family.

Comments leave a comment
Olga 10/23/2019 at 2:55.

i gave your baby to Baby Kalm with colic, there is dill, anise and mint oil .. well helped and from the gas formation too

Anita 10/09/2020 at 13:56.

I was terribly afraid of the appearance of these colic. According to the stories of friends about sleepless nights and impotence when crying a child. We succeed to avoid. I had a bad milk. To establish lactation, on the advice of the pediatrician drank lactomam tea. Its composition is thought out so that there are three problems at once. Helps the adding milk. Cuts kid from colic. And protects the mother's nervous system.


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