Fennel for weight loss

Fennel for weight loss

Fennel is used primarily in cases where the fluid is delayed in the body, which is one of the causes of excess weight. But the sweet dill has other useful properties, also contributing to weight loss.

How Fenhel helps to lose weight:

  • Vegetable stimulates metabolism. This is very important for people who seek to maintain themselves in the form after 35, since during this period the intensity of the metabolism is reduced.
  • Fennel well affects the nervous system and soothes it, which allows you to reduce the "nervous appetite". Also sweet dill perfectly affects the functioning of the pancreas. It was noted that during its systematic use, the blood sugar level comes to normal.
  • Vegetable fruits are recommended to use people who want to reduce the waist. They improve the process of processing and removing food from the body.
  • Fennel is a very light and low-calorie vegetable, so its introduction to its diet will really help reset extra kilograms. In addition, it is saturated with vitamins and fiber, which is very useful for health.
  • To reduce appetite, it is enough to unwind the seeds of the sweet dill.

Fennel Tea:

  • Option 1. Take 2 h. Dry fennel seeds and mix them with 1 tsp. Its crushed stems. Then add 20 g of cornfights and 1 tsp. Green tea. It is these ingredients in the complex that contribute to a decrease in appetite. You can use the resulting mixture as a conventional welding. If you take a drink before each food intake, the appetite will noticeably decrease.
  • Option 2. Take the fennel seeds and mint leaves (everything is dry). The proportions should be the same. Put the ingredients in the saucepan and add 3.5 glasses of water there. Then put it on a small fire for 20 minutes. When everything is ready, straighten the liquid, let it cool and eat 200 ml 3 times a day. Mint also contributes to weight loss, so it is a combination of herbs as it is impossible.

Fennel salad. Take the bulb of the sweet dill, grind it and satisfy the taste. Then squeeze a little juice from Lemon and sprinkle a salad. Add a bit of olive oil to taste. If you love Avocado, put a little pulp in the salad in the form of small cubes. Instead of avocado, it is permissible to use other light vegetables, black peppers and spices. If you replace one of the daily meals of food with such a light and satisfying salad, then reduce the calorie content of the diet by 25%, which will later be perfectly affected on the figure.

Fennel oil. It can be used for external use. It is perfect for the massage, especially in combination with the essential oils of neroli, lemon and lavender. Slip oil with massage movements in the area of \u200b\u200bthe main problem areas: hips, belly and buttocks. If you spend this procedure regularly, then get rid of subcutaneous fat deposits, toxins and stretch marks.

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Choosing Fennel. In order for the weight of the weight of weight is indeed effective, it is important to choose a vegetable correctly. Pay attention to its tuber. It must be solid enough and have a light green or white color. Ripe vegetable leaves are endowed with a pronounced anise smell. Fresh fennel must be kept in a cool place for no more than 3 days.

Remember that the use of sweet dill as a diuretic is not good in all cases. Fennel tea is contraindicated to people with diseases of the kidneys and excretory system, since during its reception, the load on these systems is increasing. But in the fresh form to use Fennel is absolutely safe.

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