Olive slimming oil

Olive slimming oil

There are a lot about the properties of olive oil. That is why most residents of our country replaced traditional sunflower oil olive. It contains polyunsaturated fatty acids that remove free radicals from the body and contribute to rehabilitation.

It turns out that you can lose weight with olive oil. Do not be surprised, despite the high caloric content of this product, it stimulates the metabolism and cleans the body from slags. This does not mean that all consumed fats should be replaced. It is advisable to eat in food per day no more than 2 tablespoons of the product.

Olive slimming oil

To lose weight, you need to drink a tablespoon of oil every day to breakfast. It envelops the intestinal walls and prevents the suction of harmful substances that penetrate the stomach with food. As a result, the sensitivity of the intestinal walls is reduced, which contributes to the disappearance of allergic reactions.

Olive slimming oil

A month after using this product, you will notice that your weight has decreased. This is due to the fact that the oil is "flushes" from the walls of the slag and derives from the body a particle of untapped food. As a result, the intestines do not occur fermentation processes, which favorably affects the health of the skin. Food is digested completely, and fats and harmful impurities are immediately derived from the body. Due to this, the manifestations of cellulite decrease.

Olive slimming oil

There is another interesting way to lose weight, using oil from olives. For this, an empty stomach needs to drink a tablespoon of the tool, but not to swallow it, but to keep in the mouth, as if performing rinsing. Try to hold the liquid in the mouth of 5-10 minutes. After that, spin it. Do not be scared, it will become brown. This is due to the absorption of rotten bacteria, which live in the mouth and poison the body, causing liver, kidney and pancreas.

Olive slimming oil

To purify the body and stimulation of weight loss, you can take a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice. To prepare the medicine, mix 2 tablespoons of oil and lemon juice. This composition must be drunk at night. During the day, eat only fruits and vegetables, drink mineral water without gas. Such a diet should stick to 7 days or arrange unloading days every week.

Olive oil can be used not only orally, but also externally. It stimulates metabolic processes in the epidermis and helps get rid of cellulite. To prepare the scrub, mix 2 tablespoons of oat flakes and oils. Put the resulting Cashitz in several layers of gauze and tie it. Taking shower, Tritte problem areas with this homemade washcloth. Do not leave tools up to the following water procedures. Oatmeal exhaust damage skin cells, and olive oil moisturizes the skin and improves blood supply. Due to this, stretch marks disappear and the manifestations of cellulite decrease.

In addition to receiving oil, try to lead a healthy lifestyle and play sports. If you have a lot of excess weight, then sit on the diet and sign up for the gym. Most likely, one olive oil will not be enough to lose a large amount of weight.

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