Slimming intestine scrub

Slimming intestine scrub

Closer to forty years, many people appear excess weight: grows belly, extra centimeters arise on the hips. The reason for this is stress, incorrect meals, as a result - a violation of the digestion process occurs. However, it is not necessary to immediately begin treatment with tablets. It is better to pay the body attention and make a simple procedure - cleansing (scrub) for the intestine.

What is the benefit of oatmeal

In oatmeal there are carbohydrates that give energy and the charge of man. Thanks to the vitamins and microelements contained in this product, an improvement in the activities of the gastrointestinal tract. The fiber, proteins do not settle fat in the body, but on the contrary - contribute to the increase in muscle mass. If you have a bloating or diarrhea, hardship, heart disease, blood, blood vessels, then doctors nutritionists recommend the use of cereals. The presence of vitamins: A, B, E and iodine in oatmeal favors improving the condition of the skin, digestion, mental development.


Doctors have long been studying the properties of oatmeal, almost all of the characteristics of it are already known. Oddly enough, but this product has contraindications and restrictions in the application:

  • first, you should not use porridge to people with celiac disease - this is a disease in which the complete intolerance to the cereals is observed;
  • heavyness of fast preparation is incomparable with ordinary porridge due to the loss of vitamins and other substances, with the help of such a cereal you will not lose and harm from it more than the benefit;
  • excessive use of conventional oatmeal can cause a lack of Ca in the body due to the accumulation of phytic acid.

If you are active and eat right, then cleaning you absolutely do not need. This means is effective for sedentary people with excess fat savings.

How to lose weight with a bowel scrub

Feeding a useful porridge, you will not only clean the intestine, reduce the acidity of the stomach, get rid of toxins, free yourself from the depressive state. Thanks to antioxidants, the aging of the cell cells will slow down. You will notice the improvement of the condition of the hair, nails, skin. Just do not think that the processes will be visible immediately after several consumption in the food of the Hercules Porridge. Breakfast with such a "scrub" from oatmeal should be the usual thing for you. Take the product advise on the morning on an empty stomach and after that three hours nothing else is not to drink. Use conventional oatmeal flakes, porridge, which can be simply pouring boiling water and immediately have - it will not go.

Recipes Scrubies for the GTS

From the Hercules flakes, you can cook a lot of diverse recipes, it should be prepared for cleansing, as described below:

  1. The easiest way to take a cup of flakes in the evening, pour into the dishes and pour cold boiling water there, at the end of a spray. Then leave for the night, and in the morning, nothing does not have a snacking breakfast, eat a cooked dish.
  2. For the second recipe, the usual inexpensive oatmeal is required, which can be bought at any grocery store. We put the saucepan with water to the stove, wait until the water begins to boil, we fall asleep flakes, cook 7-9 minutes. At the end we sat down. The rules are the same as in the first case: to use porridge in a warm state, after which no less than three hours do not eat anything. So every morning for 30 days, then a two-month rest and again repeat the diet. During cleaning for lunch and dinner is allowed to save the previous power mode, only reduce the number of kilocalories.
  3. In the evening, fill the 1/2 cup of oatmeal with a warm boiling water (1/2 cup). In the morning, after sleep, pour into porridge one spoon of cream and add as much honey, pour a little cinnamon for a pleasant smell. After that you can enjoy a dish.
  4. You can add fruits, berries, butches to add to the finished porridge, if you wish to diversify the morning menu.

If you decide to put your forms in order, then use this method for weight loss in the complex with any physical activity. It is better than to eat whether it is preparations (pills, powders). Just read the contraindications only before use.

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