Slim parsley

Slim parsley

Juicy leaves and spicy parsley root perfectly complement balanced nutrition. Fragrant greens are used not only in cooking, but also use for purposes slimming. The full-fledged complex of vitamins and trace elements tones the vessels, nourishes blood, saturates with antioxidants, restores cells and slows the aging. Learn to prepare correctly dishes and drinks with the addition of parsley and bring to normal note body.

The persistent effect of the use of parsley is noticeable with complex and systematic use. The decoction of parsley has a diuretic effect and derives excess liquid from the body. The beverage recipes and dishes presented below will be effective in timely use. The prepared decoction and food must be used immediately, otherwise the vitamins leak occurs, and the composition becomes less useful.

Tea from parsley. It sounds ridiculous, but acts perfectly. A handful of fresh green leaves pour a glass of boiling water, cover the lid - let him be imagined. If possible, do not use dry leaves, prefer fresh product. After 10 minutes, straighten the tea and slowly drink small sips. Such a decoction is better to use before breakfast or instead of dinner.

Multi-graded infusion. You will need:

  • parsley bunch;
  • leaves black Currant - 5. 6 pieces;
  • several cherry stems;
  • fennel seeds - 1 tsp .;.
  • celery root - 50 g

Grind the specified components and fill 1 liters of boiling water, leave it. The mixed drink is recommended to drink chilled in small portions throughout the day.

Morse slimming. To prepare a paste in a meat grinder twist the 30 g of fresh parsley leaves, 1 lemon, small carrots, cucumber 1 and 10 g of celery stalks. The resulting slurry fill chilled boiled water in a ratio 1 a portion mixture / 4 portions Waters, mix until homogeneity. After 10 minutes, strain juice and drink 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Chopped greens and cucumber add to the dietary yogurt, such a dish is excellent suitable as easy dinner. Yoghurt can be replaced with kefir. Such a composition will have a beneficial effect on the digestive system, toxins and rowsnet Healthy blush with a pale face. Diet dish combine with a moving way of life.

Parsley root brew and add to first dishes. If you are actively engaged in sports, then prepare a nutritious vitaminized mixture and use an hour before training. In the bowl of the blender, pour 200 ml of skimmed kefira or yogurt, add ½ spoons of ground ginger, bunch of dill and parsley. Connect the components into a single mass.

Despite the lot of advantages, Parsley has a number of contraindications. Do not drink infusion on Petrushka, if you have stones in the kidneys. Do not add such greens in food, if nephritis is found. Due to the activating properties, the parsley is contraindicated in any kind of patient epilepsy.

Piercushk leaves add to salads, sprinkle with chopped greens and salts, combine with other antioxidants and fat burning products. Site delicious!

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