Luxury Soup

Luxury Soup

She loves vegetables and want to lose weight without starving? In this case, the onion soup diet is for you. This caloric dish that will remove extra inches of fat from the thighs, buttocks and abdomen.

How to cook the onion soup

6 bulbs necessary cut into rings and put in a pot. Following them ship 0.5 kg cabbage, peppers 2, 6 tomato root and celery. Fill vegetables 3 liters of water and boil for 10 minutes on high heat. After that we reduce the fire and cook for 20 minutes. If desired, all the vegetables can be ground in a blender. Thus, you'll have a soup.

Luxury Soup

How to lose weight with the help of onion soup

Do not think that you will have all week to eat only low-fat vegetable yushku. Balanced and varied menu. The diet contains fruits, vegetables, dairy products and meat. But on the first day allowed to eat only the main dish and fresh vegetables. The soup can be eaten in unlimited quantities. On the second day you eat the main course, as well as vegetables. they can bake or cook for a couple if you wish. No fat in the preparation of dishes can not be used.

On the third day of the diet you can eat the soup, fruits and vegetables. You do not eat bananas and grapes. These fruits contain a lot of sugar, which would prevent the loss of extra kilograms. On Thursday, Eat soup, fruit, vegetables, and drink a glass of kefir. Can be supplemented by a daily menu 1 banana. On Friday, you can eat only onion soup and a piece of meat. It can be lean beef or chicken. Be sure to remove the chicken skin. It contains a lot of fat. On Saturday, you should eat onion soup and fresh vegetables. On the last day of the diet you have a main course, vegetables and a serving of brown rice.

How to keep the weight

The disadvantages of weight loss in the onion soup include a quick weight gain after leaving the diet. This is due to the effect of Yo-yo. This diet is low-calorie, so after the transition to the usual power mode, the weight is returned with interest. To this not happen, it is necessary to gradually leave the diet. For this, the energy value of food increases 200 calories every day.

Features of a diet on the onion soup

It is advisable not to salt the dish, it will allow you to get rid of extra liquid and edema. Eliminated from the menu flour, sweet and fat. It is impossible to add oil into the yoke, it is also not used in the preparation of salads. It is advisable to add spices and herbs for taste. Do not use chicken cubes and seasonings containing sodium glutamate.

Unloading Days on the onion soup

If you have achieved your and get rid of excess weight, we recommend to arrange unloading days on the onion soup. Once a week Eat only the main dish and fresh vegetables. Weight loss will be 1 kg per day, it compensates for possible breakdowns during the week in the form of drinking and flour. Please note the diet on the onion soup you can not more than a month. This is due to the lack of vitamins and minerals. To prevent nail and hair fragility after a diet, take vitamin complexes.

Usually, the diet on the onion soup is well tolerated, as there are no restrictions on the number of products. You can eat that you can eat, and the weight will decline due to low calorie food.

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