Cucumber diet for weight loss

Cucumber diet for weight loss

The cucumber diet is the perfect version of the fast, tasty, inexpensive weight loss. It will help you to throw out a few days from 3 to 5 kilograms of fat, clean the body from harmful substances, improve the complexion.

It is better to carry out the event in the summer, using local, and not bridal rootes.

What is the essence of a cucumber diet

Cucumbers - low-calorie dietary product, 95% consisting of water. In addition to the fluid they contain vitamins, minerals, acids, disaccharides. Enter these vegetables into the diet, and you will feel like:

  • the intestinal peristalsis is improved, due to the large content in the magnesium fiber;
  • the edema of the limbs decreases, the bags under the eyes are left, since the cucumber is an excellent diuretic;
  • brighten pigment spots, because green vegetables also accelerate the stagnant bile.

Normalizing the metabolism, you will force the stomach and intestines to work correctly, and as a result - a few kilograms of excess weight will leave you immediately.

Cuccessional alone for three days

The conjunction on cucumbers is suitable for any person, subject to a healthy gastrointestinal tract. Wishes before diet - eat three days in a row for breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner only cucumbers. Put in spice dishes, vegetable oil, greens. Drink tea or coffee in the morning, and water - at any time from 1.5 to 2 liters.

First day - Salad

Start fasting with salad from cucumbers with greens and lean oil. You will need a day at a quadruse diet - 2.5 kg of cucumbers, 100 grams. Corn or sesame oil, dill, parsley, kinza - on a beam.

  • Divide all products into four parts. Cut the cucumbers, chop the greens, fill oil.
  • Prepare a fresh portion of the dish for each meal. Eat salad throughout the day, making a break between food at three o'clock. After seven o'clock in the evening, do not eat.
  • For the night eat an apple or carrot.


Second cocktail

Washing cucumbers - 5 kg and one apple Clean the skin, cut, skip through a meat grinder, press the liquid. Pour the teaspoon of lemon juice. Drink drink six times a day at regular intervals. Water - how much will fit, but not less than 1.5 liters.

Third day - Okroken

Two kilograms of cucumbers Sattail on the grater, add 0.5 liters of kefir, half a glass of peplum, 70 gr. Ground walnuts, stir. Get a dish that resembles a thick okroshka. Eat this tasty all day through a small bowl.

The result will delight you - for a three-day hunger strike minus 3 kg.

Cucumber diet for weight loss for 7 days

Weekly starvation on cucumbers is considered soft, since in its diet are not only cucumbers, but also easily digestible food: low-fat meat, fermented and seafood, eggs, cereals, unsweetened fruits. General recommendations - Lightweight breakfast, lunch is rich in proteins, and dinner - fresh and stewed vegetables. Mandatory condition - eat fresh cucumbers in each meal, quantity - 1.5 kg per day. Food Do not solit, sweet, potatoes, alcohol - taboo. Water drink up to 2.5 liters per day.

  • Breakfast. Choose from the proposed dishes that more suitable - omelet, glazing, portion of yogurt or low-fat curd, oatmeal on the water. Cucumber salad - with sour cream, oil, mayonnaise. From drinks - tea, coffee, cocoa.
  • Snack. Glass of vegetable juice. One fruit - apple, grapefruit, orange. A piece of solid cheese and cut-down dried bread. Do not forget to shrink the cucumber.
  • Dinner. On the first boil vegetable soups on beef or chicken broths, make the beetter on the prostowstone, bumping on sour milk. For the second, cook fish memers, calf cutlets, mushroom zrazy, seafood with rice, buckwheat, swallow and fresh cucumbers. Very by the way there will be herbal teas, compotes from the gooseberry, currant.
  • Afternooner. Cucumbers, tomatoes, greens in mustard-sour cream refueling. On the knocker - the decoction of rosehip.
  • Dinner. Baked fish, beef, bird with a garnish of brown rice or mannicker with the addition of zucchini and a bunk. Cornishons with parsley, radisky, olive oil. Green tea or compote from prunes.

Before bed - mug of ripples, sour milk or apple.

The cucumber diet is a good opportunity to lose weight, without turning herself with starvation. Listen to our advice - prepare food from the necessary products, observe the drinking balance and for the week your figure will gain harmfulness, the skin of the face will pull up, and the eyes will be filled with a young mounted glitter.

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