Reviews about Angle Activated for weight loss

Reviews about Angle Activated for weight loss

Activated coal is known in medicine from a very long time and is famous for its absorbent properties. His ability to associate and remove harmful substances from the body, for poisoning, intoxications, infections, etc. People wishing to lose weight also use the unique properties of coal and apply it in diets.

Diet for weight loss with the use of activated carbon as much as opinions about these diets. It is worth remembering that initially this is a drug and take it for a long time doctors do not recommend. It is not rarely described in the reviews with chairs with a "coal diet". Lowering this method advise to drink more fluid to avoid constipation.

Reading reviews on the fight against excess weight, you can stumble upon such comments: "Weight decreases, but with it the hair falls out, the nails are spoiled and dries the skin." The thing is that coal removes not only slags and toxins from the body, but also minerals, enzymes, vitamins and amino acids. Still, all for the same reason, it reduces the effect of drugs and oral contraception.

You can find a lot of good reviews about weight correction using activated carbon: "Saw 8 tablets (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight) Every day before meals and for a month I threw 9 kg! This is a miracle of some kind! " These achievements are not only impressive, but also fastened nutritionists. It is too big weight loss in a short time, which means that irreparable harm can be caused by the body.

But, as it is not paradoxically, there are also many opposite experience on the Internet: "I sat 3 times on a" coal diet ", every time taking tablets every time. But nothing helped. I left 1 kg per month maximum, and this is not the result. " From this we can conclude that such a weight loss is either not effective or comes far away.

Some women, experimenting with coal, come to the conclusion that it serves as an assistant when hesitating and just cleans the gastrointestinal tract. "I decided to try to drink coal before meals, and the extra kilograms began to melt. The result is 4 kg per month and lightness in the stomach. But besides black pills made charging and did not eat after 18 hours. "

A coal coal came to the black activated corner. As a cure for poisoning, it is considered more efficient and convenient to use. In diet, he also found popularity: "I switched to white coal. It must be much smaller and it does not dock the tongue and teeth into the black color. "

From the foregoing, it is possible to conclude that no pills will help you achieve the desired result, if you do not adhere to the right nutrition and systemic exercises. Activated carbon can be used as an additional means for cleaning the body, not by abusing the amount and duration of reception.

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Helena 07/11/2018 at 7:57

Brad, to be honest. There is nothing better than balanced nutrition and training for weight loss ... well, additives are still, of course. I have it l-carnitine (SportExpert) and caffeine. Lucky thanks to such a system excellent ... and coal does not have to be used

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Diana 12/12/2019 at 21:54

Why nonsense? I disagree with you, because many on weight loss use enterosorbents.

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Mila 12/13/2019 at 1:20

Yes, I myself personally took the enterosgel before the diet to clean the body of slags and and toxins. A very similar topic, thinning is much easier and the result of the diet, respectively, also pleases more)

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