Maggie diet is the perfect version of leaning slimming. It is distinguished by rigor, clear menu and excellent efficiency - in four weeks you can reset about 10-16 kilograms, depending on the age characteristics of the body and the initial body weight.
As well as ginchen, Egg diet Maggie is considered one of the most popular diets. A four-week SLIM program is a typical low-carb power system that allows you to lose weight without stress for the body. Basic Diet Products - Welded Eggs Side (Such is best absorbed by the body), citrus and vegetables, lean meat and low-fat fish (Detailed menu for every week Maggi diet can be viewed here). The original nutrition plan developed by American nutritionists contributes not only to weight loss, but also to the general improvement of the body - the intensification of lipid metabolism, acceleration of metabolism, intestinal detoxification and liver. Basic rules Diet Maggie:- disciplined compliance with the power scheme (these products cannot be replaced by others, and meals - skip or change places);
- abundant drinking mode (in addition to non-carbonated clean water, you can drink unsweetened coffee without adding milk, green or herbal tea);
- to improve the taste qualities of dietary dishes, you can use salt (up to 5 g per day) and natural non-storm spices;
- strict taboo on trans-fats, oils, alcohol and sugar.
- allergic to citrus and / or eggs;
- kidney and digestive tract;
- cardiovascular disease;
- pregnancy and lactation.
It is important to realize that Maggie diet - not a panacea for extra centimeters and kilograms. Of course, this weight loss program will help to adjust the weight number, but it can be fixed in only one way: the combination of the following low-calorie, but a balanced diet with regular physical activity.