90-day separation diet

90-day separation diet

The 90-day diet of separate nutrition is a unique weight loss technique. The three-month program is designed for modern purposeful women who want to lose extra kilograms not quickly, but correctly. You should not be afraid of such a long diet period - during the 90-day Slim-marathon, it is allowed to eat a chicken and fish, and even chocolate.

The entire 90-day diet consists of 4-day cycles. For each day there is a certain set of products. So, the first day of a separate diet is a protein (protein), the second - starch, the third is carbohydrate, the fourth - vitamin (fruit). From the fifth day, a new similar food cycle begins. Change the order of days is strictly prohibited! Every 7 cycles (in other words, every 29th day of a separate diet) it is necessary to carry out unloading aqua-day (on such days you can drink exclusively non-carbonated clean water). Due to such an ordered power scheme, in 90 days, the diet can not only reset about 20 kg without psychological and food discomfort, but also to normalize disturbed metabolism and lipid exchange.

Products for a protein (protein) day are lean grades of meat, birds and fish, seafood, natural dairy products, solid cheese, eggs, faint meat broth (no more than 300 ml), non-private wool vegetables (onions, cucumbers, spinach, celery, asparagus , Bulgarian pepper), greens, slice of whole grain bread.

Products for a starchy day are various cereals, legumes (beans, lentils, peas, soybeans), starchy vegetables (potatoes, patissons, cauliflower, pumpkin, eggplants), vegetable broth (no more than 300 ml), a piece of whole grain bread.

Products for a carbohydrate day are whole grain bread, pasta, porridge (buckwheat, millet or barley), gallery cookies, any vegetables, sweets and lean pastries, cooked without adding eggs and milk (for example, vegetable pizza or buckwheat pancakes), black chocolate (no more than 20 g).

Products for a vitamin day are fresh fruits, vegetables, frosses, dried fruits, any nuts and seeds (no more than 30 g).

Compliance with the drinking menu is one of the most important conditions of the 90-day diet. Proper drinking mode has a number of features:

  • Every day it is recommended to drink at least 1.5-1.7 liters of ordinary non-carbonated water.
  • Every day in front of breakfast (about 30-40 minutes) you need to drink a "drink of beauty" - in a glass of warm non-filled water, divert 1 tsp. Unpasteurized honey and the same amount of natural apple vinegar.
  • The use of unsweetened coffee is allowed (milk can be added to the protein day into the drink), tea, drinks of their rosehip and / or dried fruits.
  • Vegetable, fruit and berry smoothies are considered not to drink, but a meal (they can compensate for one of the food intakes in the fourth (vitamin) cycle day).
  • Taboo on packaged juices and alcohol.

Basic rules "separate" diet:

  1. A diet has a three-time meal, breakfast for each day the same (except for a discharge water day) - 2-3 seasonal fruit or a glass of berries.
  2. The interval between meals in a protein day is at least 4 hours, in the starch and carbohydrate - about 3 hours, in vitamin - about 2.5 hours.
  3. Portion for dinner should be less dining.
  4. The last meal is before 20:00.
  5. To refill dishes you can use 1-1.5 tbsp. high-quality vegetable oil (corn, olive or sunflower).
  6. Optimal methods of culinary processing of products - cooking, quenching and baking.
  7. Salt use in limited quantities (no more than 3 g per day) and natural spices and seasonings are allowed.

To achieve maximum results, be sure to combine the diet with regular physical exertion. Swimming or running, cycling or dancing, shaping or aerobics - make a choice based on personal and sports preferences.

Even at the end of the 3-month diet, try to stick to the basic principles of separate nutrition - combine meat, bird, fish and eggs with vegetables and greens, and porridge and fruit eat separately from other products. Getting used to such competent food discipline, you will forever forget about extra kilograms and centimeters.

As you can see, the algorithm of successful weight loss is quite simple. The main thing is to take patience, and go ahead - towards a slender and healthy body!

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