Diet Dukana - essence, phases, products

Diet Dukana - essence, phases, products

The protein diet Pierre Dukhana is considered a famous weight loss technique worldwide, and not only at the homeland of the doctor - France, revered by famous actresses of Hollywood, the stars of Russian show business and simple housewives. About extra kilograms forgot ... more than 15 million people. And it can not but impress! Well, let's deal with what the secret of miracle weight loss techniques.

How not to mention a few words about the legendary master! Duan Initially, it was a neurologist, and the problems of obesity became to help her friend cope with this misfortune. And the diet developed by them gave the first results five days later. The patient fastened in protein food and drank only water, eventually went over two kilograms. Further years the nutritionist has been improving the system of nutrition.

First of all, it is worth understanding that Duucana's diet is directed not only for weight loss, but also to keep the result and keep weight within the normal range. The technique does not limit the number of food for the day, you will not feel a feeling of hunger or torment yourself because of an unnecessary piece. However, still have to make the adjustment of your diet towards the use of protein products. All information about the methodology you will find on the official website.

Diet Ducana consists of 4 stages: Attack, cruise, consolidation and stabilization that differ in each other. At the first two stages, you actively get away from unnecessary kilograms, then fasten the effect. The duration of each stage is calculated individually for each patient.

The general recommendations are as follows:

  • Attack lasts from 2 days before the week.
  • Stage alternation does not have temporary limitations.
  • Fasten the result is based on such considerations: it takes 10 days to secure the dropped 1 kg.
  • It is assumed that according to the method of stage, the stabilization person will continue to eat all the time.

The beginning of the diet becomes an attack - a certain "attack" for extra kilograms:

  • The diet consists of rich in protein products, and this is no accident. To digest such food, the body spends more forces, respectively, and calories go.
  • The use of such products is allowed: low fatty milk, fish, meat (bird, veal, beef, offal, even resolved non-fat bacon), quail and chicken eggs, tofu cheese, seafood, etc.
  • Seasonings, salt and some herbs are allowed in moderate quantities.
  • Every day you need to drink 2-2.5 liters of fluid in the form of tea, coffee, water.
  • Walking outdoors up to 20 minutes.

Approximate menu for the day: breakfast - omelet from eggs of eggs, fish, coffee or tea; Lunch - meat to choose from from the list, you can with removable seasonings and mustard; afternooner - seafood, tofu cheese; Dinner - fish, low-fat milk - kefir or yogurt. Advanced list of products that are allowed to eat, look at the photo. He has 72 products! Agree, there is from what to choose!

The second stage - cruise or alternation:

  • More and vegetables are added to the allowed protein products - tomatoes, cucumbers, other low-calorie vegetables, both raw and prepared (baked, boiled).
  • Under the prohibition of vegetables with a high carbon - corn, peas and potatoes.
  • A new component is introduced, which becomes mandatory in the entire range of DUKAN diet, up to its completion - bran.
  • As part of this phase, the techniques of proteins and vegetables with a time interval of 3-5 hours should be alternate.
  • Remember to sufficient water.
  • Walking on foot every day - until half an hour.

Thus, at the stage, the cruise is allowed to use 100 products (72 protein and 28 vegetables). View list you can here. It should be powered in a similar way until you see the cherished mark on the scales.

The next phase is called Consolidation:

  • The patient is gradually returning to the usual diet. It is allowed to eat such products like potatoes, pasta, rice. Vegetable oil and whole grain bread is allowed.
  • Sweets and fruits are added, but under the ban bananas, cherry and grapes, as well as nuts and dried fruits.
  • Be sure to use 3 tbsp. Oat bran and honey.
  • One day per week remains completely protein (protein).
  • A large amount of water and hiking.

Approximate menu: breakfast - yogurt (200 g tofu), chicken, boiled egg, coffee or tea, lunch - fish, baked vegetables, coffee or tea; Dinner - grilled meat and vegetables soup.

The last phase that is called stabilization is aimed at saving the result obtained:

  • One day per week pure protein.
  • Every day it is recommended to use 3 tbsp. oat bran.
  • Drink about 2 liters per day.
  • High physical activity and preference walking on foot.

Sometimes breakdowns occur. Even if the lady clearly follows the plan, such a situation may occur that hunger will overtake when there is no allowed products at hand. Do not despair! After the breakdown, you immediately return to the former mode, however, remember that in this case you will have to make completely protein for two days, and the diet is still extended.

Calculate duration diet on the site applying the appropriate application. To do this, click on the link " Calculate my proper weight"And fill in the above form by specifying your current weight, maximum and minimum weight that you achieved, the desired body weight and other data. From the bottom to agree with the terms and click "Send".

As a result, you will get your ideal weight and graph on which 4 phases of weight loss techniques are displayed, the number of kilograms that will be reset at each stage. If you want to develop an ideal weight loss program for yourself, you should click "Start today" and pay this service. The cost is 590 rubles, credit cards, WebMoney and Yandex Money are accepted. You can also make money through a kiwi wallet.

Thus, the most important advantage of the Duchana nutrition technique is the lack of the need to wear themselves hunger and counting calories. Although for some people a diet may seem invoice in terms of purchasing certain components, such as seafood, and unbalanced due to lack of some vitamins.

Comments leave a comment
Miya 05/11/2018 at 23:31

Hello everyone! Virgin, we have straight all office on Dukean's diet sits, I also got under the overall impact and from yesterday, too on a diet. Only I have already appeared, the bloating in the morning is straight. What do you do? Who was that?

To answer
Love 25/11/2018 at 23:11

Mia, I was so, and not only on dukana diet but also on others too. I just buy Orlys and there is no bloating. Have you heard about such a drug? If not, read the reviews, I like it.

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