Diet Kim Protasova

Diet Kim Protasova

To say exactly who is such a Kim Protasov, it is still difficult (and, in general, the real person is real), but the fact that his invention works will confirm by many. Since 1999, the same diet sought the world around the world. Its charm is that the number of food consumed is not limited, simply exist some prohibitions.

Power in Kima Protasov does not suit people prone to allergies, with the problems of the gastrointestinal tract. The minimum daily energy consumption should be 1200-1500 kcal. In the opposite case, negative consequences for the body are possible.

To achieve certain results, it is necessary to eat correctly for 10 weeks. Half of this period is the diet itself, and the second half is a way out of it. Water is recommended in an amount of up to 2 liters, a complete refusal of sugar. You can also drink tea and coffee.

Choose vegetables with low starch. It is impossible potatoes, legumes, corn, radish. In small quantities allowed carrots, beets, zucchini.

First week. Finally, nothing needs to be prepared: Eat raw vegetables, no more than one boiled chicken egg per day, cottage cheese, salted cheese, milk, kefir or yogurt. The main condition - the fat content of not more than 5% should be designated on the label from dairy products. For dessert, leave three apples.

Second week. In no way different from the previous one. Oddly enough, most people sitting on a diet claims that there are only vegetables in the menu.

Third and fifth weeks. The above-mentioned set of products is added non-fat meat and fish in the amount of 300 g per day. So much reduce the portion of dairy products.

In order for the effect of the diet to continue, it needs to be properly exit. We gradually enrich the diet with lean oil (ideally olive), but not more than 30 g per day, low-calorie fruits (except bananas and grapes), porridge. Yogurt, milk or kefir should now be alone.

In Diet Protasov, the main advantage - you can always and how much. It works because there are no fats in vegetables, but there is a fiber that normalizes digestion, reduces cholesterol levels. Current trace elements and proteins organism supply dairy products and meat. Such diet nutritionists are advised as a start for weight loss, as prevention. All the time you can not eat.

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