Diet with elevated acidity

Diet with elevated acidity

Due to irregular and poor eating habits often take place various eating disorders. Increased acidity of the stomach is shown in gastritis. In the struggle with the disease it is impossible to do without a correct and balanced diet.

Forbidden foods with high acidity

  • Fatty or fried meat, fat, fatty, or fried fish.
  • Desserts that contain large amounts of fat: fat whipped cream, cream-based butter, chocolate, ice cream, nuts, pastries, cakes.
  • Fast food, convenience food and fast food, packaged juices, chips, crackers, snacks, sunflower seeds, cheese, sausage, ham, sausages, sausages and similar products.
  • Muffins, white bread, pizza dough.
  • Products with a large number of preservatives, flavor enhancers, colorants and other harmful additives.
  • Food with a large amount of seasonings, spices and salt.
  • Acidic fruits and berries.
  • Alcoholic and soft drinks, tobacco products.
  • Fried, dried, pickled and smoked food.

These products are strictly prohibited at high acidity. They can lead to a more severe form of the disease, because they irritate the body.

Authorized products with high acidity

  • Dried bread and crackers, pasta without sauce.
  • Omelette or boiled eggs.
  • Green tea, herbal, kissel, compote, fresh juices, but diluted with water.
  • Oil in a small amount.
  • Buckwheat, rice, barley, couscous and other grains.
  • Soft sour fruits and berries.
  • Fresh, baked or boiled vegetables.
  • Marine fish in boiled, baked form.
  • Lean meat: chicken, rabbit, turkey.
  • Low-fat and not too salty cheese, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, cream.
  • Jelly, souffle, jam, biscuits, marshmallows, jellies.

These products will have only a positive effect on the stomach. Meat, fish and vegetables can be baked in foil or do in multivarka instead of frying in oil.

Menu at high acidity

Here is an example of the right day diet at elevated acidity:

  • Breakfast: porridge (buckwheat, oat, manna) with fruit or honey and herbal tea. / Omelet, soufflé and compote.
  • First snack: Baked apples with honey / crayons with tea / boiled egg / Cookies with milk or tea / cottage cheese casserole.
  • Lunch: Fish or chicken for a couple with a side dish of vegetables, freshly squeezed apple juice / vegetable cream soup, kissel / cutlets for a couple, tea with rosehip.
  • Second snack: yogurt without additives / fruit / cottage cheese / tea with marshmallow.
  • Dinner: vegetables with fish in foil, herbal tea / pilaf with turkey in a slow cooker, tea with milk / pasta with cheese, compote.
  • Before bedtime: a glass of kefir, cream or yogurt.


Additional Tips for Increased Acidness

  • With exacerbations of the disease, cook more liquid porridges, make a puree of fruits or vegetables.
  • Drink in small portions, but 5-6 times a day.
  • It is desirable as possible to combine proteins with carbohydrates.
  • Vegetables with lots of fiber is better not to use (rare, sorrel, white cabbage).

Compliance with the correct nutrition will help you defeat any stomach disorders. But after the disease, it is worth not to neglect these basics that will help you stay healthy longer, always feel good and staying in good physical form.

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