How to lower blood sugar

How to lower blood sugar

Increased blood sugar levels - the difficulty of patients with diabetes of different types. Also, the level of glucose worries people with obesity. We will tell you how to reduce blood sugar in emergency cases, as well as how to avoid power to prevent changes in its level.

The first type diabetes is a genetic disease that requires individual diets and insulin filling in the body, which is solved with a doctor personally for each patient. The diabetes of the second type arises due to ignoring the rules of healthy nutrition. The diet for the diabetics of the second type is not defective. It includes products with all the necessary properties for the body, but at the same time they are able to control the amount of blood sugar. People with overweight also observe diet, including products with a reduced carbohydrate content.

Monitor blood glucose levels will help you a glucose meter. You ourselves pierce your finger with a special needle, apply a drop of blood to the test strip, inserted into the device in the measurement, and on the display you see the amount of sugar in your blood. As soon as this figure exceeds the permissible rate, measures are taken to reduce sugar.

Low-carbohydrate diet completely eliminates pastry products, baking, including white bread, from the diet. Also have to forget about chocolate, jam, sweet drinks, ice cream - in a word, about all products with a high content of sugar. From dairy products, use only our procure and low-fat cottage cheese, while solid milk, yogurts, cream, sour cream are contraindicated. Exclude bold meat. Let white fish, chicken, beef meat appear in your menu. Fish and meat products necessarily clean from the skin. Every day it is recommended to serve vegetables to the table without processing: tomatoes, beets, radishes, cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplants, carrots. Fruits and berries, which are allowed for this diet, should be acidic. This is lemon, grapefruit, rowan, persimmon, lingonberry, cranberries. Following this diet will not allow the level of sugar to increase.

Quickly reduce sugar capable of certain products in their proper use. If you are concerned about some increase in blood glucose, breakfast start with a bulb. Luke head must be baked and used without any additives. A month later, you will notice a significant reduction in sugar levels.

A decoction of seeds of oats also contributes to solving this problem. A glass of seeds pour one and a half liter of water, send on fire and boil for an hour. Take the cooled fluid inside several times every day. After a few weeks, the elevated level of glucose will cease to disturb you.

Bean cultures are known to properties that help cope with the boost of sugar. Beans should be easily eaten. In addition, the healing will be a decoction of bell pods. 4 spoons of dry pods pour half liters of water and boil. After 20 minutes, remove the decoction from the fire and allow him to strengthen within an hour. Liquid strain. Drink half a glass three times a day before meals.

In addition to diet and special products, low temperatures will help reduce sugar. Take a bath or shower with cool water, make a winter walk.

Physical exertion After half an hour after meals, it will help to spend the excess amount of glucose in the body.

If the sugar level bothers you for a long time and deviations from the norm too large, consult a doctor. It will help you to make a menu with the details of your individual features, and in more severe cases, drug treatment will prescribe.

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Tamara 05/16/2015 at 14:54

Thank you very much, useful information, you need to remember. Sugar sugar is elevated, worried, no matter how diabetes did not develop. Therefore, I bought a glucometer so that it can control the level of sugar, well, of course the diet in any case must be observed and limited to the sweet. Prevention is always better than treatment.

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Mila 09/17/2019 at 12:54.

I also had a sugar before I was jumping constantly ... The benefit was now able to improve the situation, I accept Olive, and chalfée ragners. How much I do not measure the sugar is always stable, which is very happy)) It is very important to find what suitable for you ... And it is desirable that the tool is natural, if you don't want to face a bunch))

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