How to downgrade hemoglobin

How to downgrade hemoglobin

Hemoglobin is a complex protein with an iron content. Such a unique connection of the elements provides the delivery of oxygen to the tissues. Its appearance in the shape of a ball found its mapping in one part of the word: "Globus" on Latin - a ball, and "Gemo" translates like blood. According to statistics, an increased level of hemoglobin can be found much less often than low.

Increased hemoglobin promotes blood viscosity. In this regard, it becomes thicker, its movement along the vessels slows down, and oxygen ceases to come to the authorities in the right amount. The level of hemoglobin in 185 g / l leads to a strongest slowdown of blood rhythm, and the condition of such a person can be described as similar to anemia. With this state, the likelihood of blood clots and plaques is large, therefore stroke may occur, veins thrombosis, brain ischemia, pulmonary artery thromboembolism and other unpleasant consequences.

The rate of hemoglobin in women - 120-140 g / l, in the men's half of humanity - 140-160 g / l. Elevated hemoglobin is not an individual disease, but an indicator of other violations of the body. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a complete examination, in order to find the main reason, and then begin to establish the condition of the blood. The main factors affecting the increase in hemoglobin are considered:

  • diabetes disease;
  • chronic heart diseases;
  • obstruction in the intestines;
  • oversupply glucose;
  • oncabolic;
  • erythrocytosis;
  • a detrimental effect of external factors;
  • pulmonary fibrosis;
  • use of steroids with anabolics;
  • hemoglobinemia.

People who are engaged in mountaineering, climbing, skiing, at the pilots, such a problem occurs more often. But for those living on a high-altitude, elevated hemoglobin - the norm, thus, the body restores the deficiency of oxygen.

People with a slightly improved hemoglobin will be enough adhere to a certain ration. Exclude products with high iron content from your menu: meat (pork, beef), liver, fruits and berries of red color, butter, smoked, from cereal - buckwheat, as well as sweet meals. It is also worth reduce the reception of greasy food. Cholesterol and plaque deposits plus a strong blood viscosity - contribute to atherosclerotic diseases. A ban on the reception of polyvitamins with the content of vitamins of group B, copper, iron, folic acid. Consumption of fish, legumes, soybeans, chicken meat, large amounts of vegetables (in cheese and stewed), fermented milk products and seafood will help reduce the indicators. Drink in large quantities clean water. Install the taboo on alcohol and smoking, do not load the liver, because because of the elevated iron it works at the maximum.

Good results to reduce hemoglobin give folk methods, for example, mummy and leeches. Mumia is taken on a tablet to sleep for 10 days, at the same time sleeping and soothing drugs should be deleted. Hirudotherapy (medical leeches) affect the reduction of blood lungs (like bloodletting) - a small number of procedures significantly improves the indicators. In the saliva of these ringed worms there are enzymes that promote the normalization of blood indicators and stabilizing hemoglobin levels. Perhaps, for some, the right solution will be donation. It gives a chance to help people and reduces hemoglobin indicators.

There are other folk methods of dealing with diseases. In the first place, an indispensable folk remedy - honey, as well as healing herbs, berries and fruits. To reduce the level of hemoglobin, you can resort to such ways:

  1. For two months, pee a large amount of water with lemon juice.
  2. It is recommended to have breakfast with a salad of fruit.
  3. Carefully take advantage of the use of herbal therapy. After all, most of the plants increases hemoglobin. It should be used to sick, Cyprus, Mokritsa. Make them salads in warm time, and in the winter you brew the decoction.
  4. Use before bedtime on one tablespoon of honey with a small amount of mummy divorced in a glass of liquid.
  5. Take fish oil. This will help maintain the balance of fats in the body due to the refusal of other types of its species.

Before reducing the level of hemoglobin, consult a doctor. It is possible to overcome the disease with special, discharge of blood medicines - cardiomagnet, by Karartil, aspirin and Trental. If medications do not act, erythrosesis is appointed, which eliminates the "unnecessary" cells in the bloodstream.

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