How to downgrade Bilirubin

How to downgrade Bilirubin

Bilirubin is a toxic pigment, which is part of the blood and bile of the body, formed as a result of the hemoglobin decay. Normally, this substance is neutralized by the liver, and in disruption of its functions and other important organs, it causes serious poisoning of the body. How to protect your health and reduce the level of this dangerous pigment?

The reasons for increasing bilirubine indicators are most often hidden for serious liver and gallbladder diseases, the presence of anemia and blood infection with spree products from the activities of parasites. By contacting the qualified help, you find out that it has served to such a reaction of your body, and you can take the necessary measures.

Next, what you need to do is give a liver and a bustling bubble full unloading. In your diet, do not use sharp, fried, spicy, smoked dishes. Refuse the carbonated drinks, coffee and alcohol. Fill up your fiber and product and products prepared as possible in simple (boiled, steamy) to facilitate the state of the intestine. Observe a strict diet should not be - it can only exacerbate a complicated condition.

The use of medical preparations and folk methods to reduce bilirubin contributes to the purification of the body and reduce the dangerous pigment. Choleretic agents and herbal fees based on chamomile, mint, corn stilts, mother-in-law, distortions and a hunter, cleaning bile cool, well cope with the neutralization of the accumulated poisons and the elimination of pathological manifestations.

Herbal tea 1_1.

Drink more fluid and compulsory adsorbents (white coal, smacks, enterosgel, lactofilter, sorbex). The group of drugs of this category will link, neutralizes and derive all toxic substances that poison the body from the body.

Limit moral and physical exertion on your own body. Rest people more, ensure good days for the whole period of treatment. Concentrate on a positive result.

Do not forget that the increase in bilirubin is a symptom of a serious illness, so do not gather, contact a specialist for help from a specialist and make your health.

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