How to treat elevated bilirubin

How to treat elevated bilirubin

Fast fatigue, bitterness in the mouth, stupid pain under the right edge, in the mirror the reflection of the darkness, obviously not from the tan of the face, suggests us on the idea that something is wrong with the liver. If a brutal appetite was added to this, the smell of sweat, which does not beat off destructive deodorants, and the blood test show shows the increase in bilirubin, it means it's time to think about your liver.

How the elevated bilirubin is formed

Bilirubin is a gall pigment, which is produced during the decay of red blood cells. Finding into the liver, it is connected to other substances, and then output from the body with feces and urine. This is ideal. In fact, we are not quite the right way of life: I replace a full-faste dinner, drink a strong coffee, grieving on trifles, turn the refrigerator overnight and instead of resting all night, looking in a dream of horror. All this leads to a violation of the working rhythm of the liver. Protesting, she ceases to produce enzymes, absorb vitamins, pump and remove bilirubin, and its amount in the blood increases sharply. The bile is thick, pebbles are formed in a busty bubble and ducts, well-being deteriorated.

Fast food

How to treat elevated bilirubin enzyme preparations

With a healthy liver, total bilirubin ranges from 8.5 to 20 μmol / l. If in your blood of this pigment more than 20 μmol / l - begin to treat the liver. With an increased bilirubina, the doctors write off the enzymes - festal, mesim, pranks and hepatoprotectors - Esssential Forte, Carsil. They remove inflammation and drank bile. Take two tablets three times a day while eating. Course - from 5 to 7 days.


How to treat elevated bilirubin blind sensing

It is not bad to dispel the bile and urge the liver pain blindly sensing - indirect tube.

Discover the floor of the floor liter bottle with Borjomi to release gas. In the morning, drink a glass of mineral glass with small sips and lie on the left side, and put a warm warmer on the right. Dill water for 20 minutes. Stay in bed Another hour, then stand up, take up everyday affairs. An hour later will be a calling for a defecation. After the toilet and liberation from the wheel masses, the liver stops sick. The procedure is repeated two days on the third.

How to treat elevated bilirubin biletone

It is better to apply fees from several herbs. Two tablespoons of the mixture are filled in an enameled capacitance of half liters of boiling water. Wait for half an hour and drink half a cup in 20 minutes before meals. Golden herbs are accepted for a long time, about a month. They begin to act after the day of reception.

If you do not have bile stones, it will be appropriate for the collection from immortelle, a dispatcher, calendula, barbaris.

In the presence of small pebbles - St. John's wort, nettle, dill, clover, yarrow.

How to treat elevated bilirubin physical education

It is no secret that our everyday charging comes down to the morning jogging for the leaving bus, and for normal liver work this is not enough. Therefore, we will help her with simple slopes ahead, in which the diaphragm rises on the liver, accelerating the stagnant bile. Very useful and mischievous exercise - spread matches on the floor and pick them up, leaning, without bending the knees. Hard? Pour not all boxes.

2 Charging

How to treat elevated bilirubin massage

The grabbed liver can calm the self-massage. Lie, bent the legs in the knees. Right hands put on the top of the abdomen on the right. Sigh deep through the nose, and, exhausted through the mouth, push the liver with a hand. Make so few times. Stand up, go for a couple of minutes, you can jump through the rope. After half an hour, drink warm tea with lemon.


Observing the recommendations of the doctor using traditional medicine, proper nutrition, full physical exertion and positive attitude, you will give bilirubin to normal for a short period of time.

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