How to treat stars bile

How to treat stars bile

Stast of bile in medicine is called cholestasis. This disease occurs as a consequence of irregular nutrition, stress, a peculiar structure of the gallbladder. Symptoms of cholestasis: bitterness in the mouth, pain in the right side, stool violation, yellow tongue. As soon as they are detected, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment.

Proper nutrition is 50% of success in the treatment of bold stagnation. Exclude fried, smoked, canned, sharp food from the diet. Limit yourself in a twig, chocolate, mushrooms, legumes, fatty varieties of meat and fish.

Prepare food for a couple or cook it. Eat more fermented milk products, fresh vegetables and fruits. Eat porridge in the mornings, but do not boil them on milk. Fit small portions, but 5-6 times a day. Do not eat at night, do not starve.

Exercise. There are special healing exercises for the gallbladder. Walk more in the fresh air. Feed yourself from stress and experiences.

Eat in writing products with a choleretic effect. Such products include: olive oil, pumpkin, dill, lingonberry, beets, cabbage.

In the absence of stones in the bustling bubble, drink choleretic herbs. In the pharmacy you can buy gilent herbs collection in bags. The most effective herbs with a joy of bile: chamomile, cornflower, immortelle, peppermint, marigold, crawl, pyzhma flowers. Herbs need to drink for about a month and repeat the course several times during the year.

Glacers can also be taken in tablets, making sure the absence of a bile-stone disease. The following drugs are sold in pharmacies: apparent, hofitol, sybectane, cinarix and others.

Delicate - cleaning biliary tract. For a dyspercity, it will take: the heater, mineral water and sorbitol. For the procedure, select the output day. Mineral water is better to open from the evening and release all gases. Start a dudder in the morning on an empty stomach. Heat mineral water, add a spoon of sorbitol into a glass and drink this mixture. Take the heating floor, lie on the side and put the heating under the right side. In this position it is necessary to go about an hour. An hour later you will feel the call sign in the toilet. Get ready for the fact that you will run to the toilet often, the process of cleansing biliary tract and intestines will begin.

Treat stagnation of bile better under the supervision of the doctor and only after the examination. Observing all the necessary treatment rules, you will feel relief in 2-3 weeks. In order not to provoke the disease again, sport and proper nutrition should be a permanent satellite for you.

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Varya 09/10/2019 at 12:51..

And I took the hepatrine bile ducts to cleanse the bile ducts (the phytomarket ordered in the online store, it turns out so more profitable). Additionally, of course, Tubai did. I think, all in the aggregate and brought their positive results)) I recently checked the liver, and bile ... already in good condition)


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